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Login/Logout redirection in a Module


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dear all

I try to implement another kind of login/logout redirection in a module.

I have found some concerning methodes in ProcessLogin that I try to call in the init() methode of my module:

class ProcessLoginRedirect extends ProcessLogin                         
    public static function getModuleInfo()
        return array(
            'title' => 'Login Redirect',     
            'version' => 1,
            'summary' => 'Define constant redirect page for login and logout process.',
            'autoload' => true 

    public function init()
        parent::init(); // required


for testing, I try to redirect to the homepages frontend ('/'), but this does not work at all... I suppose, that this code is not called at all...

what do I wrong? what could I do for debugging?

thanks for help

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thank you for your answer LostKobrakai

my idea was too simple tough... but yes, now I got it: the process field in the edit page of /admin/login... setting to my new class (ProcessLoginRedirect) overwrites the one of the core module (ProcessLogin)...

... and it works fine now... but only for the admin user!

If I login as normal user I get the following Error in the header:

       TemplateFile: You don't have permission

any good idea wher I should digg?

thanks in advance.


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hm, seems not to be that simple... and I think to extend ProcessLogin and call the setLoginURL method is not the right way to do it...

Next I tried to hook the ___execute() method of ProcessLogin and call setLoginURL there... works but then I have no information about the user and I failed to create a filter.

Now my solution is to hook ___loginSuccess($user) of the Session class... now I have access to the user and can use $session->redirect depending of the users settings (defined with an additional field at the user page).

For me this topic can be closed. But I think since I found a bunch of forum questions about that (since I do not want to rewrite the login page, they do not really help me) that it could be explained somewhere how this is meant by the devs.

thank you for your great work, since PW is much more intuitive than any other CMS I tried!


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