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hook into $page->find


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I very often need a selector like this$matches = $page->find("parent=1020")->not("template=product");
$matches = $page->find("parent=1020, template!=product");

I have to make sure, that certain pages do not get selected, in this case those with template=product. To avoid to accidentically include these pages I thougt about adding the restricting selector globally by a hook with the possibility to explicitely include it when needed.

At the moment I think to

1. hook before

2. supplement arguments(0) with "template!=product"

3. return if in arguments(0) is e.g. a "include=product" (which should be ignored later on by the find method)

So, is that a good proccedure or would you recommend another?

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yes. thought about that too. but is not solid enough as others may set filters without reflecting to exclude hidden product templates as hidden means all hidden pages. I realy want to make sure the pages could not be selected unless they are explecite included.

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