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Select page from foreign (unreadable) language


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I've got a website with multiple languages and two of them are Chinese and Russian. Since both use characters nobody of us can read we have some big problems to insert links from the editor. If we want to pick a page we can't see what page to select.

Is there any way to display the page titles in another language? How do you select a page from a language you can't read?


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Well, not everything :-) I am not talking about UI or ProcessWire phrases.

I am talking about the text editor and on how to insert links/select pages. Those titles depends on the language you are editing and do not change with your user profile settings.

I am wondering if nobody else came across this :-) I have about 70 links per language and no idea how to insert them. I am afraid the only way is to go to a language I can read, change from the front-end the language and copy paste the URL.


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Well, that's certainly not great and not the logic I'd expect. I think in this case really the user-language should be used for the page list instead of the field language. You can change the behavior by changing ProcessPageEditLink.module the js config in init() to the following: 

$this->config->js('ProcessPageEditLink', array(
			'selectStartLabel' => $this->startLabel, 
			'langID' => ($user->language ? (int) $user->language : 0), // Change this line
			'pageID' => $id,
			'pageUrl' => $this->page->url,
			'pageName' => $this->page->name, 
			'rootParentUrl' => $this->page->rootParent->url,
			'slashUrls' => $this->page->template->slashUrls,
			'urlType' => $this->urlType,
			'extLinkRel' => $this->extLinkRel, 
			'extLinkTarget' => $this->extLinkTarget, 
			'extLinkClass' => $this->extLinkClass, 
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