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Lazy boy — H5BP .htaccess and PW .htaccess


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Hello everyone,


Having played a little with PW and read a little I am just too impressed to return to my EE training and instead have decided to just try and build the site I was due to build next with PW — thank you Ryan and others for PW.

.htaccess and HTML5 Boilerplate

In my build I will be attempting to knit-together the .htaccess file that comes with the HTML5 Boilerplate (H5BP) and the one that ships with PW.

For many (perhaps for me when I come to do it) this will likely be very simple. Indeed I don't envisage problems but I assume I'll have a few questions.

The purpose of this thread is either for others to note what they have found when doing this or if no one comments, when I succeed in merging the two by trial, error or research to list here what I found.

I may be some time, but when I've done it (or read here how to do it) I'll post again and hope this may be of some help to others who may like me be a little intimidated by large .htaccess files. Cheers, -Alan

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