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Checkbox Date


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I have a 'Due Date' field and also a 'Completed' field(checkbox) on a page called Milestone.  I am trying to grab the date that the checkbox called 'Completed' was checked off.  Do I have to go directly to SQL or is there something in processwire I can use?  

The purpose is because I would like to compare the date that the checkbox was checked, versus the Due Date.


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ProcessWire doesn't store date information with a checkbox field. Your best bet would be using a hook (insert one into /site/tempates/admin.php or write a simple module for this) to automatically populate separate, possibly hidden (unless you want users to tinker with this) datetime field when the checkbox is checked/unchecked.

Alternatively you could use the Page Reference with Date Field to achieve similar look and feel; just have one page called "Completed" selectable, and it should handle the rest for you :)

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