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Everything posted by pjf5066

  1. I have a 'Due Date' field and also a 'Completed' field(checkbox) on a page called Milestone. I am trying to grab the date that the checkbox called 'Completed' was checked off. Do I have to go directly to SQL or is there something in processwire I can use? The purpose is because I would like to compare the date that the checkbox was checked, versus the Due Date. Thanks!
  2. Happy Tuesday ! I am trying to sort an array based on a field. The field is a checkbox called user_terminated. I would like to sort this array on the date that the checkbox 'user_terminated' was checked. This will provide me a list of all terminated users from my system in order of the latest term on top. Thanks for any help! Parker
  3. Hi all fairly new to php and processwire and am having trouble setting a value of one of my fields. Quick background - I have active projects, pending projects, and completed projects in my system. If the job is active, then I need to set the field 'is_active' to checked (or I can have a selection and set the selection to Active). Either way I have an if statement determining if the project is active. Once I determine it is active, how do I set a checkbox to checked and store in on the databse from the php side?
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