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Cleaner way of doing this?


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Hi guys. I am wanting to do breadcrumbs based on the page matching a condition. However, I'm wondering if there is a way for me to reduce the number of if else statements. Here is my code.

<? if ($page->city == 'Auckland' {
            $setcity = 'Auckland';  
             echo "<span class='topNav'> <a class='' href='/gyms' title='Gyms'>  <i class='fa fa-chevron-left'></i></span>";
             echo "All Gyms</a>";
             echo "<span class='topNav'> <a class='' href='/gyms/auckland-gyms/' title='Auckland Gyms'> <i class='fa fa-chevron-left'></i></span>";
             echo "Auckland Gyms</a>"; 
             echo "<span class='topNav'> <strong> <i class='fa fa-chevron-right'></i></span>";
             echo $page->title;
             echo "</strong></small>";

   elseif ($page->city == 'Christchurch') { 
             $setcity = 'Christchurch';
             echo "<span class='topNav'> <a id='$page->id' class='' href='/gyms' title='Gyms'>  <i class='fa fa-chevron-left'></i></span>";
             echo "All Gyms</a>";
             echo "<span class='topNav'> <a id='$page->id' class='' href='/gyms/christchurch-gyms/' title='Christchurch Gyms'> <i class='fa fa-chevron-left'></i></span>";
             echo "Christchurch Gyms</a>"; 
             echo "<span class='topNav'id='$page->id' > <strong> <i class='fa fa-chevron-right'></i></span>";
             echo $page->title;
             echo "</strong></small>";

Where $setCity is used
<span class="pull-right hidden-sm hidden-xs">
<? // Populate a random gym in the same city
 $getRandomPages = $pages->find("template=listing-gym, city=$setcity, sort=random, limit=1")->first();

if($getRandomPages->id) {

    $q = $getRandomPages->title; // example field
    $a = $getRandomPages->url; // example field
    echo " <a title='$q' href='$a'><i class='fa fa-random'></i> Random Gym</a>\n";



Essentially all I am wanting to do is print a breadcrumb trail if the city of the listing is equal to the city name. 

Edit: Sorry... Was not on my main machine when posting the original code. Updated.

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Yeah, answers will vary depending on your page and template structures. If there is a city template (each city has it's own unique page), then you could pull all or some of the cities using something $pages->find("template=cities") and then just echo out that city's url using a foreach loop.  I believe the skyscrapers profile has a pretty good example of that. Otherwise, you could use the good ol' switch statement instead of a bunch of if/elses.  Give us more details and we'll be able to help you further.

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maybe something like this?

if($page->city) {
	$setCity = $page->city;
	$cityURL = $sanitizer->pageName($page->city);
	echo "
		<span class='topNav'> <a class='' href='/gyms' title='Gyms'>  <i class='fa fa-chevron-left'></i></span> All Gyms</a>
		<span class='topNav'> <a class='' href='/gyms/{$cityURL}-gyms/' title='{$setCity} Gyms'> <i class='fa fa-chevron-left'></i></span> $setCity Gyms</a>
		<span class='topNav'> <strong> <i class='fa fa-chevron-right'></i></span> {$page->title} </strong>

	$randomGym = $pages->find("template=listing-gym, city=$setCity")->getRandom();
	if($randomGym->id) echo " <a title='{$randomGym->title}' href='{$randomGym->url}'><i class='fa fa-random'></i> Random Gym</a>\n";
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maybe something like this?

if($page->city) {
	$setCity = $page->city;
	$cityURL = $sanitizer->pageName($page->city);
	echo "
		<span class='topNav'> <a class='' href='/gyms' title='Gyms'>  <i class='fa fa-chevron-left'></i></span> All Gyms</a>
		<span class='topNav'> <a class='' href='/gyms/{$cityURL}-gyms/' title='{$setCity} Gyms'> <i class='fa fa-chevron-left'></i></span> $setCity Gyms</a>
		<span class='topNav'> <strong> <i class='fa fa-chevron-right'></i></span> {$page->title} </strong>

	$randomGym = $pages->find("template=listing-gym, city=$setCity")->getRandom();
	if($randomGym->id) echo " <a title='{$randomGym->title}' href='{$randomGym->url}'><i class='fa fa-random'></i> Random Gym</a>\n";

Thanks a lot! This reduced alot of lines of code :)

And for those interested, this is what the end result was:


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