I'm trying to finish a new PW site, and there's one last thing i'm trying to achieve;
with this site, there are products where the product variants are child pages of the 'master product';
when a search returns a product variant, it has a querystring at the end that has the part #, like ?part=0001
the link takes them to the (master) product page, with that variant's specs highlighted (clientside using js), and an accordion open with the add to cart button for that variant.
I'm trying to get it so that if the user clicks on a different variant (on the accordion), the querystring changes (to like ?part=0002) to reflect the newly chosen variant, (and then the js to highlight the specs also triggers).
I've read 10 -20 solutions on stack exchange, and tried some jquery plugins, but i can't seem to figure this out... seems there should be an easy way to do it.. I looked at BBQ, which is probably what i need to use, but haven't quite got a solution yet... thought i'd run it by some of you fine folks here...