I need to create a website for my university.
*Bilingual:: The website should be made in 2 languages: all the words in the template design will be in both languages.
*Membership:: there are 5 different types of users: teachers, research workers, administrative staff members, students and anonymous.
*Moodle integration:: teachers should be able to use Moodle from our domain
*Blog. Not sure if I can integrate a built-in Blogger blog into Processwire. Or is there a blog feature already in Processwire?
*Forum would be a nice addition although I'm not sure if it's possible with Processwire?
I think these are the all possible requirements for our website.
Please enlighten me if I can choose Processwire to create my website. Is it even possible to do all the above features? Please, even a small input will be greatly appreciated. Welcome, everyone's suggestion.
I really like the fact that I can have my own design with PW.
Many thanks in advance!