I've just been thinking recently about "live" style guides and how, if it would be used on a live site, doesn't it make sense to implement it into the system (CMF/CMS) that would be maintaining the content, as well?
I'm curious if anyone's yet done this? Either had invisible sections of their site devoted to a style guide for showcasing various components, modules, elements, etc., or even configuring a multi-site implementation of PW for this purpose?
I haven't thought through the technical side of how one might implement this, only had the thought itself. Gantry is a framework, built in to some other CMF/CMSs, for something similar to this purpose (with additional features included) - which I originally had thought would be awesome to bring to PW, but realized it was out of my skillset. However, just a "simple" Pattern Library or Style Guide? That just might be possible.