Hi, i´m building a sports website where you can sign up and get your own profile that is also linked to a team page. On the team page i want 1 user to be admin and could edit the page as well. I also trying to build/implement a Tournament Bracket example (https://codepen.io/rzencoder/pen/JaQreL) or (https://codepen.io/mattpantoja/pen/eYmzKjR) page where the user could set up there local tournament with say 8/16 etc competitors based on the users on the team. I have set up a tournament_page.php and a page reference to the team (option), but i dont know how to save the value of the options (front end) to the page. Also i want to make a result list afterwards based on the values.
The example link above is jquery, maybe its better to work on a simpler php solution instead im really lost here.
If there is someone out there that have a better idea of something that could make this work i would highly appreciate it. I´m just a beginner at php so i really need some help from you guys /thanks