Hi Guys,
I am pretty new to process wire so apologises if this is a silly question.
Basically I have created a blog where it shows the excerpts of each blog post so to speak, my issue is that I cannot arrange these by date (most recent being at the top) using the blog_date field. I have read through similar questions however cannot implement my code to work.
Any help would be greatly appreciated,
foreach ($results as $child) {
echo "<div class='article'><div class='row'><div class='col'><h3>";
echo "$child->blog_title </h3> </div></div>";
echo "<div class='row'><div class='col twocol blog_meta'>$child->blog_date</div>";
echo "<div class='col eightcol post'><p>$child->blog_excerpt</p>";
echo "<a href='$child->url' class='read_more'>>> Continue Reading</a>";
echo "</div></div></div>";