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Hi, i need some help with the filtering based on the Skyscrapers demo/func. I´m not that great with php so be patient. My structure looks like this Youtube videos > Youtube channel > Video on the video template (youtube_channel_video) i have multiple drop down fields and other fields that i would like to filter on the front end. I also have other pages that need this functions with search/filter etc but with different filters. This is the code i have in my search-form.php. Right now i experimenting with the field/option (category) that every video have in their template. The first filter (youtube_channel) works but im trying to get the category filter to work. <div id='skyscraper-search' class='uk-panel uk-panel-box xuk-panel-box-primary uk-margin-bottom'> <h3 class='h3'>Youtube videos</h3> <form class='uk-form uk-form-stacked' method='get' action='<?php echo $config->urls->root?>search/'> <div class='row'> <label class='uk-form-label' for='search_keywords'>Keywords</label> <div class='uk-form-controls'> <input type='text' class='uk-form-width-large' name='keywords' id='search_keywords' value='<?php if($input->whitelist('keywords')) echo $sanitizer->entities($input->whitelist('keywords')); ?>' /> </div> </div> <div class='col-6'> <div class='row'> <label class='uk-form-label' for='youtube_channel'>Youtube channel</label> <div class='uk-form-controls'> <select id='youtube_channel' name='youtube_channel' class='uk-form-width-large'> <option value=''></option> <?php // generate the youtube_channel options, checking the whitelist to see if any are already selected foreach($pages->find("template=youtube_channel_page") as $youtube_channel) { $selected = $youtube_channel->name == $input->whitelist->youtube_channel ? " selected='selected' " : ''; echo "<option$selected value='{$youtube_channel->name}'>{$youtube_channel->title}</option>"; } ?> </select> </div> </div> </div> <div class='col-6'> <div class='row'> <label class='uk-form-label' for='category'>Category</label> <div class='uk-form-controls'> <select id='category' name='category' class='uk-form-width-large'> <option value=''></option> <?php // generate the category options, checking the whitelist to see if any are already selected foreach($pages->find("template=youtube_channel_video") as $category) { $selected = $category->youtube_video_category == $input->whitelist->youtube_video_category ? " selected='selected' " : ''; echo "<option$selected value='{$category->youtube_video_category}'>{$category->youtube_video_category->title}</option>"; } ?> </select> </div> </div> </div> <div class='uk-margin-top'> <button type='submit' id='search_submit' class='uk-button uk-button-primary' name='submit' value='1'> <i class='uk-icon-search'></i> Search </button> </div> </form> </div> This is my search.php <?php namespace ProcessWire; $selector = ''; $summary = array( "title" => "", "youtube_channel" => "", "category" => "", "country" => "", ); if($input->get('youtube_channel')) { $youtube_channelName = $sanitizer->pageName($input->get('youtube_channel')); $youtube_channel = pages("/youtube-videos/$youtube_channelName/"); if($youtube_channel->id) { $selector .= "parent=$youtube_channel, "; $summary['youtube_channel'] = $youtube_channel->title; $input->whitelist('youtube_channel', $youtube_channel->name); } } foreach(array('category') as $key) { if(!$value = $input->get($key)) continue; else { $value = (int) $value; $selector .= "$key=$value, "; $summary[$key] = $value; $input->whitelist($key, $value); } } if($input->get('keywords')) { $value = $sanitizer->selectorValue($input->get('keywords')); $selector .= "title|body|category%=$value, sort=title"; $summary["keywords"] = $sanitizer->entities($value); $input->whitelist('keywords', $value); } $videos = findSkyscrapers($selector); $browserTitle = 'Youtube video search - '; foreach($summary as $key => $value) { if($value) { $key = ucfirst($key); $browserTitle .= ucfirst($key) . ": $value, "; } else { unset($summary[$key]); } } region('browserTitle', rtrim($browserTitle, ', ')); region('content', files()->render('./includes/search-summary.php', array('items' => $summary)) . renderSkyscraperList($videos) ); This is my skyscraper-list-item.php file <?php echo " <div class='col-12 col-sm-12 col-md-6 col-lg-6 col-xl-4 col-xxl-4 col-xxxl-4 bmar10'> <div class='youtube_search_holder'> <a data-fancybox data-autoclose='true' data-width='1500' data-height='844' data-height='360' href='{$skyscraper->youtube}autoplay=1'> <div class='youtube_thumbnail_placeholder'><img src='{$skyscraper->youtube_thumbnail->url}' class='youtube_thumbnail_image w-100'> <div class='playicon'></div></div></a> <div class='youtube_search_thumbnail_content'> <div class='h6 text-uppercase green tmar3 title'><a href='{$skyscraper->parent->channel_url}' target='_blank' title='{$skyscraper->parent->title}'>{$skyscraper->parent->title}</a></div><div class='text-uppercase white h3 limit'><a href='{$skyscraper->youtube}' data-fancybox data-width='1500' data-height='844' data-height='360'>{$skyscraper->title}</a></div> <div class='h5 text-uppercase gray date'>{$skyscraper->youtube_video_publishdate}</div> <span class='white h7'> {$skyscraper->youtube_video_category->title} {$skyscraper->countries->title} {$skyscraper->competition->title} {$skyscraper->competition->parent->parent->title} {$skyscraper->armwrestler_competition_gender->title} {$skyscraper->armwrestler_arm->title} {$skyscraper->armwrestler_age_category->title} {$skyscraper->competition_weight_class->title} {$skyscraper->competition_video_match->title} {$skyscraper->videotags} </span> </div></div></div> "; ?> This is the front end right now (no styling ? In the category filter, right now there is multiple categories with the same name, i would also like to restrict it to just one result per category. Please help!
I Love The SkyScraper Demo but can I installed it from cpanel?
Dee posted a topic in Getting Started
Today I was looking online to see what Content Management Systems are out there when I came across ProcessWire and by far the thing that caught my eye the most was the SkyScraper Demo. Until today I'd never heard of ProcessWire but the SkyScraper demo I saw looked so similar to a number of Google Maps based ideas I've had for such a long time. For example creating a website for my local town of places to eat and things to do based on their location. I have a shared hosting company that offers cPanel and when I checked ProcessWire 3.0.61 was available. Is it possible to install ProcessWire through cPanel and then add the profile / files that make the Skyscraper Demo work? or do you have to install everything from scratch? being able to add it after installing on cPanel would be awesome, since it also automated backups, upgrades, etc. I'm very keen to play with the Sky Scraper Demo as I learn best when I have an existing demo site to edit and play with rather than starting from scratch with a totally blank website. Also are there any ProcessWire demo websites worth checking out that are similar to the SkyScraper demo, i.e. sites based on things on a Google Map? -
All functions work only on Skyscraper in the file (template) skyscraper.php How to be if I create a new section with a different template? Many do not work. Pictures not displayed in the section. Does not work search form with the new fields. Copy code skyscraper.php new template does not help What should be done to all that skyscraper.php worked in other templates? Strange realized output templates article I can not change because all the code only in functions.php