Hi, I read this and I would like add it to my site.
Excuse me if it's off topic!
My probem is:
I add the new js file in folder of the site (...assets/js/scrollReveal.js), then I add the code in the html page :
<script src="assets/js/scrollReveal.js"></script>
Then I add: data-scroll-reveal="enter from the bottom after 0.9s" near the css class
But the js effect don't start.
I read this: https://www.gavick.com/blog/scrollreveal-js-the-easiest-way-to-create-on-scroll-animations
where the chef say:
Then, to include library, please open the template/layout/blocks/head.php file and use this code:
$this->API->addJS($this->API->URLtemplate() .'/js/scrollreveal.js');
That’s all you need to do, and the library is now good to go.
Now, it's necessary in processwire add that api code in the head.php file?