Running PW 2.7.2
I've built several sites using PW. One question that I have is is there a module, or planned upgrade in the core to refuse (fix) uploaded images that don't meet the Min width or Min height? In the description PW says "Optionally enter the minimum width and/or height .. images that don't meet these minimums will be refused."
(the field /image upload is required)
Currently, if I set Max width to 320, Max height to 260 and leave "refuse images exceeding max dimensions?" unchecked. This is fine, if they upload a 1024x768, I'll let PW scale/crop it down to 320x260.
In the next section I set Min width/height for uploaded images to 320x260.
however, when a user uploads a 800x200 image, for example, PW won't refuse it. PW will just scale the image to 320x200 (for example)...when the minimum is set to 320x260.
Something, with the settings enabled above, just seems to be off. Maybe PW (in the PHP core) is not checking the dimensions of the dimensions after the user uploads it and PW scales/crops it?