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  1. Originally posted in general section, but after extensive search, I need to call in someone more experienced to help me complete this project. I need someone As soon as possible. Basically, I created a site for a client that is a marketing and advertising site for personal ads. The site is intended to allow a user to view the site and if the user wants to post a personal ad to promote their services such as music performing, dancing etc. they can for a small fee. (It's pretty much like back page.com and craigslist.com without the ugly design. More focused to look like a website, with 1 page personal ads.) Currently the site is using the latest Processwire release on Foundation framework. I have users coming to the site and if they decide to post, they click on a link located on the bottom that says post new profile. Once clicked, they arrive to a page that has a form builder embedded form. I am using form builder forms to process the user information and create a new page under the category of their choice. This is working and creates pages quickly for anyone that wants to post an ad. (I was advised not to use this method but due to lack of time, I had to run with Form Builder.) Here is what the system does now: Once a user completes the form, they submit the data and the page is automatically created. The user receives an auto response email with a message asking them to make a payment via a link contained in the auto response email. The link goes to a paypal subscription. Once the paypal subscription is paid, we are manually sending the user a user name and password to manage their page through a front end editor that we setup in Processwire. If they do not pay in 24 hours, we manually delete the page. As far as spam goes, we only have the spam filter enabled on the forms with the turing test question and answer. Here is what I need the system to do: I need help setting up a way to ask for a credit card first, then process the card for the payment, then post the page. I also need help redirecting the user to the newly created page after they have submitted the data through the form builder form. I also need a way to automatically create a user and password and assign it to the newly created page. I am up for any suggestions and welcome all of your input. I would like to essentially make this an automatic type thing. Where all we are doing is checking to make sure things work. Versus manually adding users, manually deleting pages etc. if you feel it's best to restructure the site to create a user registration first, I'm open. Feel free to PM me as well. If a heavily experienced user feels that they can accomplish this build another method via API etc. please provide some details.
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