i've a one-man business and a bigger project on the run. A working prototype is already there. A budget pot is collected.
Project sprecifications is a small webapplication that works as kind of mediation platform for farmers. Usage is limited to bavaria country.
Customer is a Association for farmers. They will provide this tool to their members to solve some upcoming problems.
Timeframe is to get a working solution at the end of the year and expand and adjust in the next years with some additional features.
Since this is not a dead simple website project, i'm searching for a strategic partner for this project.
Main work would done by me, but i will need assistance and experience in things like projectmanagment, refactoring, consultation and a partner that could take over the project if i become inoperative - there will be a payment only for beeing at standby.
German language would be prefered but it is no requirement from the customer.
Please write me a PM if you are wanna know more details.
Best regards