Due to a major redisign of my site I upgraded from pw 2.4 to 3.0.42, following all the steps explained in the readme file. So far almost everything worked fine. The front end works as expected, no errors there.
In the backend however, when trying to edit some of the pages I get the following message:
Looking up line 9706 of this module, there is nothing at all. In fact lines 9705 through to 9709 are empty …
I am not aware to have used this module at all.
The difference between pages I can edit and the ones I can't is the template. The ones I can edit don't use the body field but another one. Both fields are textareas with CKEditor and I can't see any difference between the settings of the two. And I don't exactly know, whether HTMLPurifier has anything to do with these fields.
(Please don't ask me, why I use different fields … don't know it anymore. It's history. )
This error doesn't occur on my local installation, from where I uploaded the site to the live server.