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  1. Hi guys, New to the forums so I'm looking forward to having some great discussions. First off, I'd obviously like to say what a great CMS/F, very neat and tidy and super simple to use. Nice one Ryan. And secondly the community looks great. Hopefully someone can help me with this... I see other similar topics on the forums but none that clear up this point. I have a one page site. I have used child pages of home as the different sections of the one page site. This populates MarkupSimpleNavigation with the menu system for the one page site as more sections are generated. That's perfect. Now however lets say there is an about page. If I browse to domain.com/about/ I would like to hide the page and return 404. As this page is being pulled in by the home page. And shouldn't be accessible via url. Now the problem is I have templates assigned to each child page for obvious styling reasons so I can't create a page without a template file assigned. How can I show hidden pages on the home page? I have in my home.php template foreach ($page->children() as $c) { echo $c->render(); // render the pages } where I want to render each other page and template. if I try to add foreach ($page->children("include=hidden") as $c) { echo $c->render(); // render the pages } I get redirected to domain.com/page/ with the following message: "The page you were looking for was not found" "Please use our search engine or navigation above to find the page" Could anyone shed any light on how I might go about solving this? I don't mind having the pages hidden on the backend so this solution would be fine if it worked. Thanks, Alex
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