I'm trying to set up a multisite with following specifications:
2 different URLs
I have to reach the backend via the two URL's (eg. http://example-firstsite.com/processwire/ and http://example-secondsite.com/processwire/) so that i can create different user / editor roles witch only get "their content"
I want to use the nearly same template-files on both sites
I want to use only one core
I want to share some content between the sites
I want to have a "child-page based database for persons" witch I can query and use on both sites with it's own url
I tried to use apeisa Plugin Multisite but had to recognize that it´s not possible to use it without having a "master-site"
Can you give me any advices how to set PocessWire up to comply with the requirements?
Many greets, Jens alias DV-JF.