I have just published my first PW multi-lingual site.
I'm not understanding the following message and the server locale function
Warning: your server locale is undefined and may cause issues. Please translate the “C” locale setting for each language to the proper locale in /wire/modules/LanguageSupport/LanguageSupport.module (shortcuts provided below):
• English
• Français
• Deutsch
• Español
• Italiano
For example, the locale setting for US English might be: en_US.UTF-8
Is it just a case to populate each languages "C" field with an appropriate string? IE
English C field: en.UTF-8
Francais C fieldn: fr_FR.UTF-8
Deutsh C field: en.UTF-8
Espanol C field: es_ES.UTF-8
Italiano C field: it_IT.UTF-8