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  1. Hi all, I'm working on a function that outputs markup for a bootstrap 3 carousel. I'm passing the $page->images object to the function argument $images. To have an individual id for each carousel on a page with multiple carousels, I want to use the image field id and the page id of the page were the image field sits. I can get the image field id with: $images->field->id But I can't seem to get the page id although it's there in the var_dump of the $images object: object(Pageimages)[203] protected 'page' => object(Page)[206] protected 'template' => ... protected 'settings' => array (size=10) 'id' => int 1013 //this is the id I need ... protected 'field' => object(Field)[72] protected 'settings' => array (size=5) 'id' => int 100 //this one I can get with $images->field->id ... When I try $images->page->settings->id I get null. When I try $images->page->id I get 1012 instead of 1013. 1012 is nowhere to be found in the $images object. It is the id of the page from which I'm calling my function. But I'm not passing the $page object to my function. So where does it come from and how can I get the correct page id? Thanks for reading through this!
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