I am running PW 2.7.2 with the image-extra module, which I installed with the multi-language support. But I found it irritating to have all image extra fields twice on the backend because I do not intend to add a second language. So I disabled the multi-language descriptions of that module, but the fields did not vanish. Maybe I played a little with that language support module - uninstall, install again - and now the setup -> languages Tab shows " This page has no process assigned". And now the Image-extra-fields do not contain the content I add. I had a look at the database and found a caption field like " {"0":"","1018":"Steinguss"} " I can edit the field after the "0": and get the result on the page. But on the backend the default-field points to something ending up with _1016 and the second field with _1018.
How can I repair this?