I have strange problem on local server (wamp, PHP 5.4.1) and PW 2.5.29 dev with image uploads.
If I set maximum width for that image field then I can't upload images wider than that value ( > max.width).
Example set max. width to 1200px, then 1200px go ok without problems, but 1201px (exactly) - upload process stop at ~85 - 99 percent.
Same thing happened if I set max. width to eg. 460px and try to upload 600px wide image (80KB), stop at 85 percent.
Debug mode is on, but can't find any error except inside Firebug (POST) or inside wamp PHP error log get "warnings" and "notice" about:
Permission denied in ***\wire\core\Functions.php on line 254
Undefined variable: pathname in ***\wire\core\WireTempDir.php on line 170
Also on the same server I have no problems with other sites on PW 2.5.3 master.
I try to find solution for that problem but without success (because it's on Windows I suspect that "handler" seems to remain open, or problems with path "\\" vs "/"..., but without succes inside Functions.php and wireRmdir() ).
Please have you some idea how to fix that?