I have had some (more) trouble to get started with PW :-(
In my php.ini the default_charset was set to 'ISO-88591' or something similar.
So, as the DB uses utf8 and the pages are delivered in utf8, php is required to use it too.
If not you can run into errors when try to save strings with e.g. german umlaute: äöü ÄÖÜ
Incorrect string value: '\xFCchte ...' for column 'data' at row 1
I'm not sure if this was checked with the install routine, but I have seen only green lines
Maybe this could be done to avoid some hassle to users with a setup other than utf8.
Or it maybe an option to add "ini_set('default_charset','utf8');" somewhere at the top of index.php,
and to be very very sure (also for paranoics like me ) one can set and check it:
ini_set('default_charset','utf8'); $php_use_utf8 = strtolower(trim(ini_get('default_charset')))=='utf8' ? true : false;
Ok, now I can start try out that wonderful CMS