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  1. Hiya gang! [waves and slaps some High Fives to those nearest to me] My current client wants to go responsive on his website. I built it earlier this year using Foundation 2.x. Now that v.3 is responsive, I thought I might give it a much needed upgrade. While going through my files I noticed that I didn't use much of the framework. Only the grid, the modal (Reveal) and the slideshow thingee (Orbit). So I was thinking ... hhhmmm ... instead of upgrading Foundation 2 to 3 ... I'd really like to give 320andup a shot. And since it doesn't use any grids, I may use the the gridpak generator, or just take what I need from Foundation. I've grown quite fond of their layout (div.row>div.columns). OR It just may be easier to use Skeleton for the grid (I don't really like having to use 'alpha & omega'). FlexiSlider or BlueBerry for the slideshow. Reveal is available stand-alone, but I really want to minimize my dependence on too much javascript. I've seen several nice HTML5/CSS3 based modals around.
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