I am having trouble getting the CKEditor to include a custom style set.
I put this in the Custom EditorJS Styles Set input box for the body field (Context: None(default)):
That file reads like this:
CKEDITOR.stylesSet.add( 'mystyles', [
{ name: 'Inline Codex', element: 'code' },
{ name: 'Inline Quotation', element: 'q' },
{ name: 'Button', element: 'a', attributes: { 'class': 'uw-btn' } },
{ name: 'Left Aligned Photo', element: 'img', attributes: { 'class': 'align_left' } },
{ name: 'Right Aligned Photo', element: 'img', attributes: { 'class': 'align_right' } },
{ name: 'Centered Photo', element: 'img', attributes: { 'class': 'align_center' } },
{ name: 'Small', element: 'small' },
{ name: 'Deleted Text', element: 'del' },
{ name: 'Inserted Text', element: 'ins' },
{ name: 'Cited Noodle Work', element: 'cite' }
] );
I've checked everything multiple times and I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong.