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Found 2 results

  1. I am new to PW ... When adding the 'Save' option to a CKE-Field, the disket symbol, is shown when editing the page like below . The user of this page gets two buttons at the bottom of the page when activating the CKE-field because frontend-editing is enabled. The disket symbol is not shown Questions: How to handle saving of the CKE content on my own, using a javascript event listener attached to the 'Save' symbol ? How can I make the disket symbol for 'Save' in the CKE toolbar, visibile and usable fro the above ? How can I make the buttons at the bottom disappear ?
  2. This morning a client contacted me with a strange problem. At first I couldn't reproduce it because I use Chrome but then I realized that it only affects Firefox and CKE fields. If you type some text and then press SHIFT+ENTER to insert a <br> then wirte some text in the second line and then place the cursor at the start of the second line and hit backspace, the cursor jumps to the wrong position. The clients content editors are extremely frustrated by this because they have to search for the cursor I can reproduce this behavior in almost all PW versions, even a clean install witout any CKE plugins. This whole behavior seems somehow familiar, like I have heard it before, but I can't remenber... Anyone knows a solution except using Chrome?
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