Hello to this tremendous community!
The hoster of one of my ProcessWire websites is warning me about a critical vulnerability caused by the Adminer module:
So I've got some questions:
My installed version of TracyDebugger is v 4.19.33. (I didn't use it much, so never considered an update.)
Would it be sufficient to update it to v 4.25.22 to fix the problem?
Or would I need a seperate update of the Adminer module?
I also thought of just uninstalling the module ProcessTracyAdminer.
When trying this in the Admin, I'm told to manually delete the respective files and directories.
Presumably I'd want to delete the file ProcessTracyAdminer.module.php
and, in the panel\ subdirectory, the file AdminerPanel.php and the subdirectory Adminer\.
Am I right - or is there more to it?
Any insight is much appreciated!