Hi All,
So I started working on my own site about a month ago. I think we can all relate to the pain behind one doing one's own site (nothing is ever perfect, frustration, etc.). That said, I'm enjoying it this time around (yes, I've tried several iterations over the last few years). Why? Because I'm keeping framework usage to a minimum, and employing my own methods to get certain things done. So, it's becoming a learning experience for me - I guess that's one of the best methods to 'open one's mind'.
Anyways, I'll be keeping an updated version here: sb201510.foundrybusiness.co.za
Quite liking the home page thus far. It's responsive, and I think it does a really good job at that. Far from perfect, but a good step in the right direction. Of course, I need to add a few more things to the page before I continue with the others, and then, eventually, port over to PW.
Opinions and ideas are most welcome.