Does anyone here use Foundation 5 and CodeKit 2 and SASS?
Things have changed since v5 was released and I wanted to sanity check my setup and my understanding of it.
In CodeKit 2, I've created a Foundation project and pointed it at a folder called Foundation within my site/assets/scripts directory.
_settings.css (foundation > scss)
This is the place to make fundamental changes to the framework. IE change the background color or base font size.
This is then compiled by CodeKit 2 into a file called:
app.css (foundation > css > css)
This file should be referenced in my HEAD as follows (your paths may differ)
<!-- Foundation 5 -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php echo $config->urls->site; ?>assets/scripts/foundation/css/app.css">
Previously I'd created a file called foundation-custom.css at the end of my HEAD and used that for custom over-rides.
With Foundation 5 and the _settings.css, is this bad practice or no longer necessary or not important?