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Everything posted by artfulrobot

  1. Wow, didn't expect such an awesome detailed reply, thanks! Can't wait to try it out. Re non floss docs, I may have misunderstood, but I felt like the docs for page table were not public based on things on other forum threads and also on the page that explains about the paid core 'pro' modules and how they may one day be released free but the support (which i thought might include docs) would be just for those who paid. I've probably misunderstood, so sorry if so!
  2. @kaz on my install "ProFields: Page Table" is listed in the core things I can install. I did not have to download anything extra. Perhaps you have an older version of PW? I am experimenting with that module but needing to step back to understand the rendering process; at the mo I get whole 'pages' output, with header navs etc. for each item in my Page Table field! I'm still evaluating, but I'm not sure I like/want the individual 'paragraphs' (Drupal speak) or 'blocks' (Gutenberg speak) to be separate pages with separate publication statuses, URLs etc., but I may get to something usable in the end. It's new for me to deal with the concept of non open source documentation for a (now) open source project; seems quite strange. Anyway, I'm still experimenting, I thought I should try to understand that module first before the PageTableNext one etc. Open source is a must for me, so I'm not going to evaluate Repeater Matrix.
  3. Thanks @teppo, I'll take a look at all those suggestions!
  4. I have found the 'repeater' field type which lets me repeat a set of values to a single set of fields on a page. What I'm after is something that lets me add sets of *different* fields. eg. define one thing as 'hero', which has an image and a big title. define another thing as "text with image on left" (formatted text and image fields ). define another thing as "three reasons" (a set of three text, icon, title, link fields) Now on one page I want to add: hero, text with image on left, three reasons, text with image on left. On another page I want to add: text with image on left, 3 times. Can I achieve this with processwire?
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