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dynweb last won the day on July 4

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  1. The $config->pagefileSecure option should take care of point 1 and 2. Not sure how you could do point 3 if there is unauthorized access to your system. You would have to encrypt the files but unencryption keys could not be stored on the server and would have to be communicated to authorized users by other means. And any authorized user who can unencrypt a file can also distribute an unencrypted version of it...
  2. You can put a FieldsetPage inside a FieldsetTab, this should work.
  3. I agree that the Sendy interface is a bit cluttered, but the application itself works very reliably. I'm using it in production for some time now. It is regularly updated and updates are easy to deploy. It is cheap (pay once, no subscription) and has no restrictions concerning the number of clients, subscribers, lists, emails, sender domains... Sending through Amazon is not only cheap (no subscription needed), but also very reliable. No more complaints about newsletters in the spam folder (unlike Mailgun, Sendgrid...). It has a basic API -- it is easy to to integrate with PW. You can let your users build their newsletter with ProcessWire and then send the HTML code via API to Sendy, creating a new campaign. In Sendy, you can handle the selection of mailing lists and all campaign related settings. The most important data from Amazon is directly available in Sendy: number of mails sent, opened, bounced. Hard-bounced Emails are automatically blocked in Sendy, that helps a lot maintaining a good reputation with Amazon. Your users will never have to login to the confusing Amazon SES interface to understand what happens. Except for a few obfuscated files (license check, etc.), the Sendy source is accessible and can be modified, if necessary.
  4. Yes, it seems that font-family declarations do not work here. To style the headings menu entry, TinyMCE takes the corresponding font-family from your content_css (in this case: whatever you defined for h1) and applies it inline. But webfonts are not displayed, only the font fallbacks (Arial, sans-serif...).
  5. This can be done in the "Custom style formats CSS" field. Something like this to change a <h1>: #Headings h1 { font-size: 1.8rem; line-height: 1.1; text-transform: uppercase} /* My headline 1 */
  6. You can use our own stylesheet for the TinyMCE editor. In the TinyMCE settings, field "Default setting overrides JSON text", you can add something like this: { "replace_content_css": "/site/css/tiny.css" }
  7. In my experience: Just show them all, on first sight, without need to tap, even if it is ugly ? If not, you will inevitably have to deal with one or more logo partners deeply dissatisfied for lacking visibility. "No one will tap 10 times until they arrive at our logo..." Just my 2cents...
  8. If the file vendor/autoload.php exists, it will be called automatically by ProcessWire's index.php. No need to call it manually.
  9. Did you try this? $p->save(['noHooks' => true]);
  10. Have you checked that there are no files prepended/appended when rendering the template? Maybe disable Tracy debugger?
  11. Hi Robin, With the module installed, when I want to edit an image (e.g. crop) in admin, I get the following exception on clicking the "Apply" button: The exception also occurs if I have previously generated all delayed images with the option "Generate queued variations". The error does NOT occur after uninstalling the module. Any ideas? Thanks ?
  12. Hi, I'm using your module for the first time, looks really promising ? It seems that password fields *always* show a password toggle, even if the showPasswordToggle() method is not called in user code. In InputPassword.php, line 105, it unconditionally appends the checkbox: $this->append($this->showPasswordToggle()->___render()); My solution was the following, but not sure if that won't break other things: // InputPassword.php // Line 26 // protected InputCheckbox $showPasswordToggle; // The password toggle checkbox object protected bool $showPasswordToggle = false; // Line 85 // $this->showPasswordToggle = $toggle; $this->showPasswordToggle = true; // Line 105 // $this->append($this->showPasswordToggle()->___render()); if($this->showPasswordToggle) { $this->append($this->showPasswordToggle()->___render()); }
  13. You could add a multi page reference field to the "Project" template to store the associated persons. And synchronize the two reference fields with the excellent "Connect Page Fields" module by Robin S. https://github.com/Toutouwai/ConnectPageFields
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