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Everything posted by Alexis

  1. Hello the community, 1st bug: on a textarea field called "body", if i insert a table or an image in this field, i will get the "404 page not found" page after saving the page and no modification is saved. The same bug happens wether i use plain text, tynyMCE or CKEditor or with a brand new textarea field. 2nd bug: when i am in the debug mode ($config->debug = true;), i get the "404 page not found" page instead of the homepage. All other urls works fine. The site is 10 years ols and has been updated with the ultimate version of PW (3.0.243) and modules but still the same bugs. I'm not sure if the 2 bugs are related or not. Anyone has an idea in which direction i should look for the origin of the bugs? Thanks. Alexis
  2. Olá a todos, I've been updating the translation for a project (22 files in processwire 2.6.14. There is more files to come but main ones are there). I thought it could help someone. How can I share this translation with the comunity?
  3. Thanks a lot Soma. Your code works perfectly. The problem is just i don't want to give the editor (=my client) too much information. I'm building a tipical website with a few levels of options. All options are buit in the aplication and are activated according to the level the client want. This means I have specific fields permissions and roles for each level, which appears all in "who can access this page?", but doesn't match the client choice.
  4. Hi everyone, When i edit a page in the admin (logged as an editor), i would like to hide the "Settings" tab or at leat the part "Who can access this page?". Is there a simple way to do that? Thanks.
  5. Thanks Diogo. I applied it all and it works fine. This all concept of templates and fields of PW is quite powerfull when you catch it.
  6. Hi Everybody, I'm a newbie to PW, but since the few weeks i'm working with it I like it a lot (mainly for it's flexibility). Ryan and others, you are doing a really impressive job. Congratulations! For a little CMS i'm working on, I want to use PHP script inside CCS stylesheet. For that, I put <?php header('Content-type: text/css');?> at the beginning of the mucss.css file which is renamed mycss.php, and I put the <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<?php echo $config->urls->templates?>mycss.php" /> in the header of a template file (mycss.php is in the same directory as my templates). But this code doesn´t work, the mycss.php file is not rendered in the final html page. After a few testes, I got my objective with this code instead <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/mycss.php" /> and putting the mycss.php file in the root directory of website. This change of directory is not very suitable for when I want to export my site profile for new installations. Any idea what is wrong or what can be done for doing the trick maintaining the original structure of PW. Thanks.
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