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marcus last won the day on January 5 2018

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    Berlin, Germany

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Community Answers

  1. Hi, original maintainer here. Sorry about the unplanned phasing out of ProcessWire Recipes too long ago. Haven't done PW or any CMS work for that matter for a long time, so it's a shame that the PR project is dormant - in case it is still of value for people out there. @wbmnfktr: Hit me up via DM if you're interested in taking over the Git Orga and/or domain
  2. Hi y'all! ? long time no hear (and it's all my fault - I haven't been to the forums for quite a while). Anyway, I got a complex question that as of right now, feels way above my skills. But I'll try to describe it, and I'm hoping to describe things in a way that's comprehensible: As it reads in the title, what's in front of me is a complex situation and a codebase I inherited. In its core, its about dynamic sorting. With dynamic sorting I mean two things: The field being sorted by is depended on user input AND a programmatical determined decision. More details follow below It's not as simple as sorting by `created_at`, for example. So I got a collection of templates in a PageArray. All of the items are being output using a loop (paginated, and so on). So far, so simple. Every item of this collection is of the same template. This template has a bunch of fields associacted with it, with numeric values. Let's simplify the situation for the sake of explaining and say that these fields can be grouped into certain clusters. In a template, a user can filter for certain (by using selects, which, upon change, change the URL). So that every filtered state is accessible unter its own URL. A user also has the opportunity to sort, and this is kind of where the field clusters come into play. Also, the selected sort mode is persisted in the URL, by a get parameter, for example ?sort=cluster1. Of course, both filter states and sort states are "mirrored" in the URL, so that every of these states can be accessible under its own URL. Going back to point 3: for all of the fields (in the clusters) there is a field counterpart which stores the inverted value of the field (in reality, this isn't the inversion but something more complicated - but for the sake of explaining, I'll describe it that way) Now, based on both sorting and filter settings (see 4. and 5.) a decision must be made whether the non-inverted or the inverted field should be used for sorting the whole connection. My questions: How would you solve this? My plan for today is to do a little proof of concept with runtime fields: Right after I got the user data regarding sorting and filtering I have all the data I need to decide whether to use a field or its inverted counterpart for sorting. I'm planning to create runtime fields in which I store the "decision" I'm now able to make (which value, the original or inverted field value I should use for sorting). The central query of getting the PageArray, filtering and sorting it is a rather complex one. In the code I inherited this query is built by modifying a large string that consists of data from the interface (regarding filtering and sorting). Only after every user settings is "read" this string gets passed as a rather sophisticated selector into a $page→find($complexQuery) API call. While experimenting I found out that it appears that runtime fields are not really considered in this approach (but maybe I'm doing things wrong). Should I instead leave the approach of trying to build it with the API and go for building a raw DB query instead? Is there an simple and obvious solution to the problem I described that I'm not able to see? Anyway, thanks a bunch! marcus
  3. I chose today more or less randomly, so Monday is not locked. Intention was to start a thing, to revive the discussion about it.
  4. Yes, still intend to be at Aufsturz at the given time. But unfortunately I know of nobody else joining besides from you.
  5. Nothing in that regard yet. Let's just try to meet over a drink and learn from that point on whether to set up any form of "infrastructure" at all ?
  6. I feel like that this topic is worth resurrecting. We could loosely meet in a pub first in order to test the waters if a PW related meetup in Berlin has a future. Concrete suggestion: what do you folks think of Monday, Aug 26th, 19:30, Aufsturz in Mitte district?
  7. Won't find the time to implement this anytime soon, sorry. Everybody feel free to submit a PR regarding this and maybe ping core contributor @justb3a regarding release
  8. See the link above: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/18655-solved-no-input-post-data-when-using-ajaxaxiospost/ I was not able to POST json to ProcessWire directly, had to stringify it first.
  9. What would be even more important: $input should accept JSON:
  10. In MapMarker's documentation there is a section about implementing the needed JavaScript file from Google: Search for this snippet in your template and change the value of src like this: Where XXXXXX is your API key. See the Hello World example here (lower part of the code example): https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/tutorial
  11. VueJS Axios https://www.npmjs.com/package/query-string In this case
  12. Yes. For version 3.0.106 this would be $ wireshell upgrade --sha 643c9d3a87ddd8d579c4879c2382a9170466344b
  13. For anyone stumbling over this topic, here's the solution (don't forget this is not production code - sanitize your data!). Make sure you are adding the Querystring (Qs) lib somehow axios.post('./', Qs.stringify({ yes_no: this.yes_no }), { headers: { 'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest', 'Content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' } }) .then(function (response) { console.log("response:", response.data); }) .catch(function (error) { console.log("error:", error); });
  14. Thanks for the enlightenment! I obviously deal to much with Laravel lately, so I somehow ruled out this possibility....
  15. Hi there, I ran into a problem posting form data via AJAX. Of course I did some research on the topic via Google, this forum and looking into ProcessWire's core code and found the following steps... Setting headers to 'X-Requested-With', 'XMLHttpRequest' Using a trailing slash ...but to no avail. As you can see in the following code I log the response, in this case just a var_dump() of wire("input")->post, but i just get response: object(ProcessWire\WireInputData)#240 (0) { } Here's my code in total. It's simplified, but should work, but for some reason does not. Could any of you point me towards the solution/my fallcy? Thanks in advance! <?php if (wire("config")->ajax) { if (wire("input")->post) { var_dump(wire("input")->post); } } else { ?> <div id="app"> <form action="./" method="post" v-on:submit.prevent="getFormValues"> <label><input type="radio" name="yes_no" id="yes" <?= ($page->yes_no == "1") ? "checked" : "" ?> value="1"/>Ja</label> <label><input type="radio" name="yes_no" id="no" <?= ($page->yes_no == "2") ? "checked" : "" ?> value="2"/>Nein</label> <button type="submit">Go</button> <p>{{ yes_no }}</p> </form> </div> <script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/vue@2.5.13/dist/vue.js"></script> <script src="https://unpkg.com/axios/dist/axios.min.js"></script> <script> new Vue({ el: '#app', data: { yes_no: '(unbeantwortet)' }, methods: { getFormValues: function (e) { this.yes_no = e.target.elements.yes_no.value; axios.post('./', { yes_no: this.yes_no }, { headers: { 'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest', 'Content-Type': 'application/json' } }) .then(function (response) { console.log("response:", response.data); }) .catch(function (error) { console.log("error:", error); }); } } }); </script> <?php } ?> // edit: I forgot to mention that the POST request is sent (I can track it in developer tools) and it includes the data I'm intending to send. So I really assume it is a reception problem.
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