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Everything posted by diogo

  1. Here Arimo has an open font license. You can't have more permissive than that http://fontpro.com/arimo-font-16510 and the license: http://scripts.sil.org/cms/scripts/page.php?item_id=OFL-FAQ_web#68092c0f http://scripts.sil.org/cms/scripts/page.php?site_id=nrsi&id=OFL Maybe we can also say thanks to Steve if we get to use it https://profiles.google.com/107777320916704234605/about
  2. The database is structured to be easily queried by the API and not to be queried directly. So, even if you can do it, I'm pretty convinced that you can do 99% (not only simpler cases) of what you will ever need by using the API.
  3. SteveB, lett's not forget that PW already uses jQuery and jQuery UI on the backend, and now even SASS, so it's already making some —also probably questionable— choices there, and I don't think Felix's choices are necessarily heavier. I completely agree with Felix that a tool for web developers should give the example of excellence in web developing by applying all possible developing and design good practices (let's not fall in the same mistake as Textpattern that used tables on the backend layout until very recently, or is it still like that?).
  4. Hi bracketfire, welcome to PW. You can go "all in" without any concerns, and use the API without even thinking of the database. The API is very efficient when bootstraped, and It's this easy: include("/path/to/processwire/index.php"); $address = wire('pages')->get("/location/")->address;
  5. Felix, great write up and many great points. This takes the admin theme discussion to a new level. I agree with all your concerns (not necessarily the proposed solutions as I would have to study them better). Of course, addressing all these is not a task for someone that has all the CMS to think of (Ryan), so it would make all the sense to form an admin theme task force. You seem a bit impatient with the lack of answers to your posts, which is good. I'm sure it's not lack of interest but mainly lack of time. The questions you are raising are interesting and certainly people will jump into the discussion.
  6. It's a quick mokup. What I posted might be not very practical because if one of the last entries in the nav is active we would have to hide some from the left. Maybe this would be more realistic? Would be quite easy to do with javascript. making the nav inline or inline-block, we can measure it and hide all the elements as soon as the browser window is smaller than the nav. The active page link would stay visible and all the others would go on a dropdown under the + sign.
  7. Two more bug reports: On small screen sizes, if there are custom pages in the nav the tabs start flying I thinks it's inevitable to collapse the nav pages into one button... The second is not really a bug, but the notifications also make the active tab look weird. Would it make sense to put them on the top?
  8. Thanks Ryan, but no. This only triggers the action when the page is created, before the editor had any chance to fill the info I need. For, now what I did was to add a hidden check box that the module changes to 1 right after the action was performed, this deactivates future actions on this page. The module also checks if the page is published and if the needed field is not empty. if($page->get($this->check) !== 1 && $page->status === 1 != "" && $page->get($this->message) != "") Unrelated: I just noticed a small incoherence with the page saving interface. If a page is unpublished, and you go to "settings" and uncheck the "Unpublished: Not visible on site" checkbox and then press on the button "Save + Keep Unpublished", the page is published. Of course we can assume that someone that unchecks that box wants the page to be published, but but it's still incoherent. Maybe it would be enough if the button would change to "publish" when that checkbox is unchecked, that's easily achieved with an event handler in javascript. edit: the button on the bottom should also be removed.
  9. Ryan, why do you say the license doesn't allow it? This was taken from Arimo's license on Fontsquirrel: http://www.fontsquirrel.com/license/arimo
  10. Horst, I don't think muli is a good choice at all for a cms admin because it's semi-geometric. This means that there was an effort to make the form of the different letters similar, while in – for instance – humanist letters there's an effort to have them the more distinguishable possible. The result is that humanists are much more readable in long texts and small sizes than geometric fonts, and this is particularly true with the minuscule "a" that in muli, might be confused with an "o" when read fast. Arimo is neither of those but it's in the middle, which is fine.
  11. What about replacing it for the buttons appearing on hover?
  12. Ryan, the new theme was already growing on me while working with it, with these improvements I'm starting to love it!! (not sure about the gradients on the classic colors though ) edit: (Hm, to be honest I am sure. I don't like them at all)
  13. I only came up with the code, and even forgot that you can do that now But If I even forgot about it, how come you do it 50 times a day??
  14. Old thread I know. But this is not working with me because it when $page created doesn't exist yet, the fields are also not populated. I need to do something the first time a page is saved after the editor had the chance to fill in the fields. Isn't there a "publish" hook? I can't find it...
  15. There was a post here some days ago where Arimo was mentioned. The metric is the same as Arial. It's the default font at HTML Kickstart from our Joshua
  16. Welcome to the forum spark. I don't have much time to answer but wanted to refer one thing: members are also pages and they are as extensible as any other page. They can also be connected to other pages on a one-to-one or one-to-many relation via pageFields. Hope this gives you a clue concerning your second point.
  17. From the source, looks like it's this one http://www.videojs.com/
  18. Ryan, I agree with almost everything that you wrote. Not sure about the branding (ok, not corporate) colors issue though. You can use these colors without making them look childish, they can at least be sprinkled here and there. I also think that as soon as the theme is ready, there should be screenshots of the several color schemes on the homepage. Like this people won't abandon because of the colors for sure. As soon as I have time I will also give it to change the colors a go for sure http://www.fontsquirrel.com/fonts/open-sans You must have "Helvetica Neue" on your computer. Arial just looks terrible and ultra-boring.
  19. I din't come to the forum a lot lately, but I did install the theme to try it out. Great effort Ryan! There lots of good things in it. I don't like the color schemes very much and I think it's not very positive if you are planning to use the warm as default because in my opinion it's important to keep the corporate colors of PW. I think the warm scheme is the one that works better for now, not because of the colors, but because it might have had more love than the others from your side Two new things I don't like: The dropdowns are too stuffed and clunky. the items need some space to breath. I think you went too far by removing the field boxes, I feel like everything is floating without an order. The boxes could be kept, but be simply lighter and less present then before. Two things that are not that important but would make the theme look more modern: Removing the color on that second area bellow the menu and making it lower seems to make the theme look cleaner (see screenshot) Shouldn't we let Helvetica and Arial have a rest (Arial in my case)? Let's try open-sans since it's the one used on the website.
  20. I'm sure you can, using their API https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/reporting/core/v3/
  21. Maco, modules have to be approved by Ryan, but he is usually very quick wit it.
  22. Joe, I just updated the Admin Custom Pages module to especially allow creating a "settings" kind of page on a tab of the admin http://processwire.com/talk/topic/3474-admin-custom-pages-module/?p=45361 Maybe that would also fit your needs.
  23. I had a click while reading this post http://processwire.com/talk/topic/4642-keeping-a-page-in-a-fixed-position-last-in-the-sorting-order/ and quickly implemented something I was thinking about for some time already. I added a new functionality on the DEV version. Now the module allows to easily create a "settings" kind of page. Putting it simply, you can create a tab in the admin that shows the "edit" page of that same page. See it for yourself https://github.com/ocorreiododiogo/pw-admin-custom-pages/tree/dev edit: for those interested on how it works, don't look on the module file, look on the admin.php file.
  24. You can also use Soma's http://modules.processwire.com/modules/chrome-php-logger/ to have all the info in more organized way
  25. The pages of the module are normal PW pages, so the permissions apply like with any other page. Go to the page template and give the permissions there.
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