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Everything posted by diogo

  1. Lastpass is pretty solid, and the free tier offers quite a lot.
  2. I also see this. Solved with: .ipsDataItem_icon .ipsUserPhoto { width: 44px; }
  3. Great work with the forum! To make it perfect, just add these to the css ? .uk-background-primary, .uk-section-primary { -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale; } #masthead-logo { transform: translateY(-2px); } .uk-breadcrumb { transform: translateY(-1px); } @ryan, you might also consider removing the antialiasing from the body of the PW website, and add it only on the blue background areas. Here is the reasoning: http://usabilitypost.com/2012/11/05/stop-fixing-font-smoothing/ https://www.zachleat.com/web/font-smooth/
  4. diogo

    ED works new site

    Thanks, guys! I'm checking what's up with the server now. update: the server is up and the permissions are fixed. Remind me not to run terminal commands as root again ?
  5. We're finally launching a redesign of our website! Doesn't feel like it to us, but our previous design was already from 2013 ? https://ed-works.com/ We like to keep things simple, so the only third-party modules that we installed were Tracy debugger, Admin on steroids and Admin Theme Boss, which we tweaked a little bit to our taste. All in all, there's not much going on inside PW. Our main concern was to serve the frontend with responsive images with a close quality to the originals, and for this, it's important that PW allows us to use ImageMagick for resizing them. We also love to use PW's image tags to add classes to the images. In this case, we use them to display the images with three different sizes. We also had to change the templates to serve the projects to the homepage via Ajax. We hope you guys like our new baby ? Edit: I forgot to refer that we also changed our logo and tweaked our name to ED works.
  6. By the way, I took a moment to test the module and it seems to be working pretty well on PW3, so I updated the compatibility info.
  7. Good idea, Just did that! Also added it to the README.
  8. @Jason Huck I'm glad you managed to solve the problem. Regarding the DB, this doesn't sound like something that could be caused by the module. I didn't update the compatibility of the module to PW3 because I didn't test it enough. Although I still think this module is convenient and makes it really easy to add new admin pages, the truth is that it relies on a hack, and I would advise anyone to have a look first at this tutorial on creating admin pages the proper way written by @bernhard before deciding to use it.
  9. Chiming in just to wish you lots of luck with the project @kongondo! Better late than never, right? I'm very curious about the result of your hard work ?
  10. @bernhard you are being very r...tst-donk-prrrrrrrr @Ivan Gretsky thanks for your...kkkkkkkkkakkakakakakakk....tststst...krrrrk I'm very interested in ProcessWordpessssssjoooooomla....krrrk...drupaodXpo3-lockherupcli-mate-change-oax...krrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrkrrrrrrrrrrr....pf-nhec Sorry @Nvim, had to do it ?
  11. Thanks @pwired Well spotted! I was planning to delay the opening of the overlay slider until the images were loaded, but then decided to not go that way. I removed the script already ?
  12. I'd like to share with you guys our latest published project. This time a website for a German Food Photographer based in Cologne: http://www.elaruether.de/ Ela is an interesting case. Her relation with food started as a chef and evolved to blogging and later photography. She's now a professional food photographer. The only 3rd party modules that we installed were Admin on steroids and Tracy debugger (thanks to @tpr and @adrian for the continuous great work). Admin on steroids was particularly handy to invert the order of the blog posts and to add thumbnails to the portfolio pages on the admin: For the slideshows and project pages we used a heavy customised version of the excellent Owl Caroussel
  13. Thanks for this! I had forgotten how to do this ?
  14. @dragan that's so true! I still struggle to unmount some long words Obrigado @Sergio!
  15. Yes that's an easy fix, thanks for spotting it @dragan!
  16. Thanks @LostKobrakai, I'll look into the popup button.
  17. Hi Guys, Here's is our most recent website built in collaboration with the Design studio DITHO from Cologne, who designed and coordinated all the process. For now the website is only in German, but there will be a English version soon. https://bedrohte-ordnungen.de/ "Bedrohte Ordnungen" (Threatened Orders) is the display of an ongoing research by the University of Tübingen. Best described on their own words. Here on a hopefully accurate translation Here's a nice showcase video made by DITHO: This is a quite complex website. It's also quite heavy on images, videos and CSS animations, so old computers might struggle a bit to process it. All the website is dynamic and inside PW, including those animations. This is probably the most interesting part of how the website was built, since all the animations were created by DITHO themselves in ProcessWire thanks to a system that I created for them using a repeater field. You can have an idea through these screenshots: The content blocks of each case represent a question each and repeat throughout all the presented cases. Each question has a main content and most have also a hidden block that can be opened by clicking a button. They are created in PW using the very recent FieldGroups https://processwire.com/blog/posts/processwire-3.0.73-and-new-fieldset-types/: The only two third party modules used were AdminOnSteroids by @tpr and the very useful ColorPicker by @Soma. There would be more to talk about, but I don't want to extend myself too much. Hope you guys like it! Just a shout out to DITHO to say again how much fun this collaboration has been
  18. You have two good answers here Soma's answer on Adrian's link does more or less what you propose in your last pseudo-code.
  19. What's good humor for you? No humor? Give it a break guys... I think the "Finally" in the beginning of the sentence reveals it all immediately. @bernhard I liked the irony of adding the <ironic> tags
  20. @nickngqs most of what's described on this thread you can also achieve by using my Dynamic Page Fields module It's still experimental, and I didn't have much time to continue working on it, but it worked pretty well on my tests
  21. Thanks! And Merry Christmas for you!
  22. Can you give some examples? We might be able to help you understand why.
  23. You should have the credentials on the config.php file. From there you can for sure grab a copy easily with a tool like https://www.adminer.org/ or a small script like this https://github.com/2createStudio/shuttle-export. You don't even need that, PW is already connected with the db and can make a backup for you with this module https://modules.processwire.com/modules/process-database-backups/.
  24. Soma has the délicatesse of Captain Hook when he gets annoyed
  25. @bernhard thanks! 1. Good idea! I'll ask the client if they want this change. 2. I think we'll skip this one. I'm not a big fan of too many things happening on hover.
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