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Everything posted by diogo

  1. I will explain (I'm not being very clear today, it seems) Well... your solution looks ok. Just wondering what you want to improve on it. This depends a lot of what you want to do exactly. If you want to show all results from a first find in the beginning, and then let the user filter those, you can do it with js to prevent having to communicate with the server all the time. You can do that by storing some data in the html tags and hiding them selectively. Might also be that this solution doesn't suit your project at all, of course. Here's an example of mine that works like that (in Portuguese, sorry) http://ordenaracidade.pt/trabalhos/
  2. Your solution seems fine to me... or I don't understand what is the doubt (?) If your filters are simple you might want to use JS instead. If all you want is to hide things, why send it back to the server? You could easily do it with data attributes on each result.
  3. Sorry, I was on mobile and it came out a bit cryptic I meant two databases of course.
  4. import the two backups to two different tables on your own computer, export them with the same program and check if the results are the same.
  5. Can you post the code with that you tried for the two lists? Did you change also the variables?
  6. I think it will happen less from now on
  7. The module could even prompt for a estimated time.
  8. If it helps: http://googlewebmastercentral.blogspot.de/2011/01/how-to-deal-with-planned-site-downtime.html
  9. diogo


    The views from Parc Güell and Montjuïc are amazing. I really enjoyed Barceloneta and El Raval. Stay away from the ramblas at night, too many drunk people
  10. Not all sites, but it's a good way to start. I would say, you sould spend one day or two doing the tutorials before you start looking at the example sites.
  11. @pwired, make sure all those sites are legal before posting them here. Have you tried telegram? https://telegram.org/
  12. There are lots of .apk files download sites out there, just look for one.
  13. Separate things. One thing is to do a website with bootstrap, the other is to do a website with PW. What I mean is, you can do both in the same, but they are not dependent. My advice is, do the site in bootstrap (well, not all the website, but the main pages) and then apply PW to it (for this part we have more than enough tutorials)
  14. Eheh, what a mess... I will try to answer anyway. I think no one said that all the modules are in the core, what was said is that what is on the core (there are modules on the core, but that's not the point here) is more than enough to build a site easily. Besides that, the few modules that exist (not so few anymore) are in average of high quality and mostly useful, comparing to other systems that have lots of modules that are unusable or of poor quality.
  15. diogo

    Few new PW sites

    I will open an exception for this one http://www.pierrevonkleist.com/ (if you're in a library, turn your volume down (as you should have already, by the way))
  16. I never used MODX, but based on the talks we had here in the forum I'm strongly convinced that this is not true. We have some heavy MODX ex-users here that may confirm—or not—this.As Martijn said, don't count the modules. I think one of the reasons PW doesn't have more modules is because people don't feel the need for them as much as in other system. You can do so much only with the core...
  17. Thanks guys, we'll use it then
  18. Waaaaaaaay out of the PW subject here... Just wanted to ask you native English speakers about the expression "spot-on". Is is common or badly connoted? And for the Americans, is it too british? Thanks
  19. https://sublime.wbond.net/packages/ProcessWire%20Snippets%20-%20Basic
  20. Another suggestion is to indicate which tutorials are empty on the links to them. The site is full of dead-ends right now.
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