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Everything posted by diogo

  1. diogo

    My Backend Redesign

    Marek, did you follow Google material design guidelines for this? http://www.google.com/design/spec/material-design/introduction.html Looking good
  2. diogo

    The grid

    Let's face it, sometimes people just want to put their content out there and can't or don't want to pay for a good designer. I don't think everything has to be forcefully designed. Also, some designers don't do more than repeat the same system for all the websites, in the end 90% of the websites will look almost the same anyway. i really like the idea of an automated, competent, inexpensive system to create sites, in contrast to competent bespoke design. For now I don't know much about this tool and I wouldn't use it anyway because it's not aimed at professionals, but I'm still curious
  3. diogo

    The grid

    These guys are announcing their product pretty aggressively, and managed to make me curious I wonder how it works. https://thegrid.io/
  4. Oh man! That website looks nice, just don't ruin it -- If you have a recent version of PW, go to the field settings—as you did before—and in tab "input" you will find "ckeditor toolbar". Add "TextColor" or even "TextColor, BGColor" (if you want to be able to change also the background) to the text area like in this screenshot: No guarantees that this will work. Depends on how the website is set up.
  5. Hi Tomas, welcome to the forum. All this depends a lot on how the website was built. The ideal would be to talk to your webmaster and ask him, but I understand that sometimes for some reason that's not possible. For the color question we would need to know what editor you are using, CKEditor or TinyMCE. To know this, go to the field settings and check what is the "inputfield type". In the same line, to add the bar to "Summary", go to that field's settings and change it's type to the same as the other. The print screen is missing.
  6. I mean something more descriptive than the name of the module. Even for developers that might work the site in the future. Something like <!-- code added by the module EMO: http://mods.pw/41 -->
  7. Maybe that comment tag could be more descriptive. Should we set a standard for modules that add markup?
  8. Join the group, we've been all guilty of that kind of dumbness
  9. diogo

    Joomla! is the best!

    I don't think it's bias. Actually, knowing cmscritic I'm sure it's not. I'm not even saying that it's incorrect, just analysing what new visitors might feel.
  10. diogo

    Joomla! is the best!

    Not subtitles, subsites. Your adds are almost all about CMSs. I don't know how that works, if it's the adds provider that choses them based on the content of the website —I'm even assuming that everyone sees something different, since one of them is a Portuguese supermarket—, or if you chose them yourself directly from the announcers. But in my opinion, and in an ideal world, a website that reviews CMSs would gain in prestige by not being payed to publicise CMS products. EDIT: not trying to make your life tougher. Just in brainstorming mode, as I said before
  11. diogo

    Joomla! is the best!

    One more important thing about the adds. I don't know if you have any control about it, but would be nice if they weren't announcing CMSs. It doesn't favour the feeling of impartiality that people should have when visiting the site.
  12. diogo

    Joomla! is the best!

    Mike, definitely the inline ads. They are everywhere now, I know. But I even switched my daily online newspaper because of them... If I look at the website now, what bothers me more is the dispersion of information. The "Check out our new site, Website Builders Critic!" on the top, plus the magnolia add under it, and then all the right column. Not sure if you would loose to much by dropping some, but I imagine that having less adds will get more clicks for those few individually, no? EDIT: oh, and on the left also, under the menu... There's also some dispersion of content with the subsites. Not sure how you could solve it, but I find it particularly confusing. The tweets, ya... I would say less repeated, I having constantly the feeling of repeated info. They don't have to be more personal, I don't think so. How about having a tweet for each event, and some time later a resume tweet? Something more telegraphic with the links to all events... well, I'm in brainstorming mode now.
  13. diogo

    Joomla! is the best!

    Not so fast! Soma does this sometimes, and I've already seen a good amount of people thanking him for it. One could argue that it sounds rude —for an Atlantic person like me, so distant from the central Europe, it certainly does—, but the fact is that it's never only a personal opinion, as it always reflects the thoughts of more people. I know this is not a forum about CMS Critic, but since CMS Critic is so related to PW in some aspects, it makes all the sense to comment. Mike, you made your choices, and I'm sure you balanced very well all the aspects of your website. I have to say that I inevitably share Soma's concerns, It's not that I lost interest, as I still check the website from time to time, but it does feel a bit overwhelming, with lots of things happening at the same time and divided into so many sections. Also I noticed that there is lots of repetition in your tweets, and because I tend to not ignore your posts, yes, It can get a bit annoying. This doesn't erase all the merits, but does fade them a bit away. See? Soma can be much more straightforward them me, and we still haven't seen Joss's answer that will certainly come, he must be writing it for half hour already
  14. I think it always works with real life examples. If you see a book with the title "Cooking for newbies", you expect it to have a long list of pre-made products and the indication of the supermarkets where you can buy them? Or you expect it to have a section where you are taught the basics (like making different kinds of dough, basic sauces, cutting vegetables) and a second section with some recipes where you can make complete dishes by using those techniques? I would say it's the second. Because "Cooking for newbies" teaches you how to cook. If you're not interested in learning how to cook, you have of course the option to buy a pre-made pizza, and that's completely fine, but for that you don't need a book...
  15. It's not that difficult to make your own slideshow though. I think what makes it hard to do this kind of things with jQuery is not jQuery itself, but having a good understanding of CSS. What you need to do with jQuery it's quite simple actually. Not much more than updating classes and creating the buttons. All the rest is CSS, with the trickiest part being, understanding very well the "display" and "position" properties. In the end, what I mean is, study CSS, make a lot of "trial and error" by changing the CSS properties of images in a list of images. After that, jQuery will be the easiest part.
  16. Meanwhile no one cared about correcting your wrong code Here it goes: <?php $x=1; // Start a fairyball at 1 <- this is fine $faqs = $pages->find("template=faq-detail"); echo "<dl class='accordion' data-accordion>"; foreach ($faqs as $faq) // here I changed your $x++ to only $x // By calling one after the other you were incrementing them between the <a> and the <div>, when what you really want is them to have the same value // also added the {} for clarity echo " <dd class='accordion-navigation'> <a href='#{$x}'>{$faq->title}</a>; <div id='{$x}' class='content'> {$faq->faq_body} </div> </dd> "; echo"</dl>" $x++; // <- here is where you want the value of $x to be incremented, so it holds a higher number in the next loop ;?>
  17. Difficult to answer to this since for now you can't even compare the popularity of one and other: PW is growing at a fast pace, but most of this is due to developers, it's still to soon to tell if PW will ever be a known CMS outside of this circle,
  18. Funny, that word doesn't sound strange to me...
  19. Edit: by the way, just noticed I messed your post. See above
  20. The clients can be non-technical to use PW, but you have to do some work. There are plugins for PW but the majority of them are not for frontend features. For this all you have to understand is how you can organize things in the PW backend, and how to get those things in your html. Anyway, to be clear I will give you the gallery example: To create a gallery you can have many approaches to collect the images. 1. You can create a parent page called "gallery" and allow for children pages with a single image field on each and any other fields that you need to have info on each image. 2. You can create a page called "gallery" (for example) dedicated only to the gallery where you have a multiple images field that will hold all the images with their descriptions. 3. You can create a multiple images field (or many) along with others fields in that template and use the to make the gallery (or galleries) It's all about flexibility and making your own decisions. search for gallery here in the forums and you will find multiple approaches. Second part is to choose a javascript gallery. There are loads of them, and all you have to do is go to their documentation to know what kind of HTML they expect you to create. Third part is to create that HTML and put the images dynamically to it in your template file. For example, if the JS gallery plugin asks for a list of images in the format "<ul><li><img/></li><li><img/></li><li><img/></li><li><img/></li></ul>": 1. ( where the ("/gallery/") page holds a holds a single image field "image" ) <ul> <? foreach($pages-get("/gallery/")->children() as $imagePage): ?> <li><img src="<?=$imagePage->image->url?>" description="<?=$imagePage->image->description?>"/></li> <? endforeach ?> </ul> 2. ( where the ("/gallery/") page holds a multiple images field "images" ) <ul> <? foreach($pages-get("/gallery/")->images as $image): ?> <li><img src="<?=$image->url?>" description="<?=$image->description?>"/></li> <? endforeach ?> </ul> 3. ( where the page being viewed holds a multiple images field "images" ) <ul> <? foreach($page->images as $image): ?> <li><img src="<?=$image->url?>" description="<?=$image->description?>"/></li> <? endforeach ?> </ul> Edit: while I was writing you had already a very long conversation. I'm still going to submit this
  21. I only scrolled quickly to the bottom but I've seen something that shouldn't be there in my opinion, the flat design part. As a non-graphic designer talking to graphic designers I would suggest you just avoid talking about design at all.
  22. Oh, this sounds interesting! Will have a look as soon as I can.
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