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Everything posted by diogo

  1. From time to time someone appears from nowhere and starts the same discussion that we had already over and over, without even taking the time, or having interest to read a bit of what was said before here in the forum. I quickly found an example of a discussion that you could/should have read before https://processwire.com/talk/topic/7565-making-pw-more-userfriendly/ I'm sorry if I sound rude, but after having answered and seen many others answering to some of your multiple questions from last week —which clearly show that you didn't get anything of how PW works—, I can't take these sudden very profound questions seriously.
  2. Too busy building one more PW website to answer to this question...
  3. Thanks guys! Yep, it has to do with the height of the screen. I'll have a look at it and force it to change when the site approaches the bottom.
  4. Hey guys, we published a new website made with PW. Anja is a German artist. We designed an exhibition catalog for her previously, and now she asked us to create her website. Here it is: http://anjawiebelt.com/ The site is extremely simple, and PW didn't have to do anything too heavy, besides some calculations for displaying the dates in the right order. Most of the work was on the frontend and went into creating the customised slideshow — see also the responsive version. See also on our website for more details http://ed-works.com/projects/anjawiebelt.com/ If you see any issue, please tell
  5. No problem. You seem to be having a good time discovering PW, and everyone understands that there are lots of doubts. But if you do some investigation work, you will find the answers to most of those questions by your own. You will likely have more useful answers if your questions are more sparse and thought out.
  6. You can't unpublish the home, wouldn't make sense. Can I suggest that you collect all your doubts from the day and post them in one thread instead of populating all the forum with several single questions? You're taking over the forum entry wall.
  7. Apparently, sexiness http://vschart.com/compare/processwire/vs/silverstripe
  8. It's in the _func.php file, which is included in _init.php, which is automatically prepended to all template files https://github.com/ryancramerdesign/ProcessWire/blob/master/site-default/templates/_func.php#L25
  9. Guys, finally the podcast episode where I talk about PW is out. It's spoken in Portuguese, so most of you won't understand a word, but still I wanted to shout it here http://10web.pt/programas/programa-15-diogo-oliveira-trabalho-remoto-e-internacional-processwire-e-webdesign/
  10. Not sure if I understand what you mean. You want to have the detailed content in a custom database, or...? I'm not suggesting that you duplicate the pages, or something like that. Those are the children pages "detailed view", and they contain all the content.
  11. Hi cssabc123, welcome to the forum! Very quickly and resumed because of time constraints: - Holder - article 1 - article 2 - ... //holder.php foreach ($page->children as $article) { echo "<h2>{$article->title}</h2>"; echo "<p>{$article->summary}</p>"; echo "<a href='{$article->url}'>Read more</a>"; } //article.php echo "<h2>{$article->title}</h2>"; echo "<p>{$article->body}</p>"; I left lots of things out,like pagination, that you can read about here https://processwire.com/blog/posts/processwire-2.6.18-updates-pagination-and-seo/ But hope you get an idea.
  12. Welcome to the forum Hanna, thanks for your insight. Hope to see you around here from now on
  13. $page->children is an array, you can't echo it directly: foreach($page->children as $child) { echo $child->title; }
  14. First base? Second base? Are you talking in code??
  15. I never tried Forward, but ngrok works great with login in the backend https://ngrok.com/
  16. I did it already, even if that's not the strategy, it just doesn't make sense to leave it there if it was not made in proseccwire processwire. Google is fast at getting links from the forum, all seconds are precious
  17. Sorry for the double not that nice posts. I didn't LostKobrakai's answer before I posted mine. Anyway, thanks for the suggestion
  18. We have already a Markdown, a Textile and even a BBcode textformatter https://github.com/ryancramerdesign/TextformatterBBCode , for HTML there is already CKeditor
  19. Oh, thanks LostKobrakai! Meanwhile I used a pretty decent solution to do the same (even better because it goes further in the tree). Here it is for those interested: $page->closest("info!=")->info
  20. Would be really nice to be able to do this when outputting a field: $page->get("field|parent.field") I was already looking in the coreto see how it could be done, but got lost In theory it shouldn't be too hard, since it works already with pages selectors... or?
  21. Did you consider - retirement - old age - work ?
  22. You're welcome Remove is in the cheatsheet, you have to toggle the advanced mode (button on top)
  23. Also, you can remove the current page from the array to avoid the IF check inside the loop $results = $pages->find("tags={$page->tags}")->remove($page)->shuffle(); Or, do the same as above with one less method: $results = $pages->find("id!={$page},tags={$page->tags}")->shuffle();
  24. Pw converts pageArrays to a string in that formal automatically when inside selectors, so this should do the same: $results = $pages->find("tags={$page->tags}")->shuffle();
  25. Here you are trying to get the address of many pages. Doesn't work. $page child gets the first page from the children, just like if you would do $page->children->first(), and being a single page, you can get it's fields without looping.
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