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Everything posted by double

  1. I am building a website with a structure like this: Category1 (template compare) Page 1 (template compare) Page 2 (template compare) Page 3 (template compare) Category2 Page 4 Page 5 I want to create a comparison feature where, when visiting /category1/page1/, it will display the details of page1. But when navigating to /category1/page1/page2/, it will show both pages side by side for comparison. I have added 404 error when the URL segment is incorrect, and also implemented redirection based on page IDs to prevent duplicates. Is this a good approach for building the comparison template? Should I change the URL structure to /category/page1-vs-page2/? What are the best practices for handling this kind of comparison feature in ProcessWire? Here’s my code: <?php $segment = $input->urlSegment1; // Comparison output if (!empty($segment)) { echo "Segment has data: " . $segment; $page2 = $pages->getByPath('/category1/' . $segment); if (!$page2->id) { wire404(); } if ($page2->id > $page->id) { $session->redirect('/category1/' . $page2->name . '/' . $page->name . '/'); exit; } echo $page2; } //Category1 output if ($page->id == 1041) { echo "Category1"; } // /category1/page/ output else { echo "Category1 child"; } And here's -vs- comparison: <?php $segment = $input->urlSegment1; if (!empty($segment)) { // Split the segment by '-vs-' $pagesToCompare = explode('-vs-', $segment); // Two pages to compare if (count($pagesToCompare) != 2 || empty($pagesToCompare[0]) || empty($pagesToCompare[1])) { wire404(); } // The first and second page $page1 = $pages->getByPath('/category1/' . $pagesToCompare[0]); $page2 = $pages->getByPath('/category1/' . $pagesToCompare[1]); // If both pages exist if (!$page1->id || !$page2->id || $page1->id == 1041 || $page2->id == 1041) { wire404(); } if ($page2->id > $page1->id) { $session->redirect('/category1/' . $page2->name . '-vs-' . $page1->name . '/'); exit; } // Comparison here echo "<h1>Comparison of " . $page1->title . " vs " . $page2->title . "</h1>"; return; } if ($page->id == 1041) { echo "Category1"; } else { echo "Category1 child"; } ?>
  2. AJAX Voting: You can now submit ratings without refreshing the page. Cookie Checking: It checks if a user has already voted by using cookies. Hover Effect: A hover effect has been added. If a user has already voted, the hover effect will be disabled for them. It needs some work b efore it’s ready for use on sites. Update: I've updated the code to store the average rating, vote count and rating sum in a separate table. Now it retrieves the data directly from this table instead of recalculating each time StarRating.module.php StarRating.module.php
  3. I'm creating a star rating system for PW. I haven't found one. I would greatly appreciate your feedback. Star Rating Current Features: IP Checking: Prevents multiple votes from the same user. Displaying Stars and Rating Form: The star ratings are displayed on the pages with shortcode. Average Rating Calculation and Vote Counting: Calculates the average rating based on the votes. Known Bug: Currently the stars are not highlighted when a user hovers over them. Plans: Improved Styling: Enhance the visual appeal and user interface. AJAX Support and Feedback: Implement AJAX functionality to allow submiting ratings without page reload. Add a feature to provide users with immediate feedback after submitting their rating Structured Data Schema Support: The ratings are picked up by search engines for rich snippets, enhancing SEO and visibility. Cookie Checking: To further prevent multiple votes. Usage: The database table star_ratings is created during the installation. When you uninstall it drops the table. Add the following shortcode to the desired location within your template: <!--StarRatingForm--> StarRating.module.php
  4. Yes, I haven't added the field to template. Thank you!
  5. I followed this guide to add comments <?php echo $page->comments->render(); And I get this error Fatal Error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function render() on null renderAll and renderForm same Can you help me solve this error please?
  6. What's the best way to return 5 next and 5 previous pages? If there're no 5 pages return what's remaining Should I use nextUntil() and prevUntil()?
  7. I'm looking for a book module alternative for creating structured documents. If you don't know about Book module of Drupal, follow this link: http://drupal.org/documentation/modules/book Also I'm looking for a module like html2book, which allows you to create multi-page books by splitting the body text of a book page node into multiple nodes upon save (split points are html tags)
  8. I've added 1.5 million pages. It works faster than Wordpress, but server response time is still high - 0,8-2 s. I have 4 Cores, 4 GB RAM and SSD disk, Mysql 8 and PHP 7 I'll keep you updated
  9. After installing Dataset module I get this error: Module reported error during install (DataSet): SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1048 Column 'label' cannot be null When I click an Import link nothing happens. Tasks page is empty I tried to do a simple import for testing using this config Any ideas? Where can I see error log? JSON{ "name": "Testing the import", "input": { "type": "csv", "delimiter": ",", "header": 1, "limit": 10 }, "fieldmappings": { "title": 1 }, "pages": { "template": "basic-page", "selector": "title=@title" } }
  10. How fast will be site after importing 8 million posts? I tried to use Wordpress but it requires serious hardware to handle 8 million posts I have a VDS 4 Cores 4 GB memory and NVMe storage
  11. Can I import 8 million posts? Is it possible? Hardware requirements? I have 300 XML files (30k posts per file) SEO title Meta description H1 title Category Post content What is the fastest way to import?
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