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Sanyaissues last won the day on October 30 2024

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  1. The book is easy to read, kinda silly but fun. When I started reading I had zero experience with OOP, so it was funny to jump to understand "design patterns" without having an idea of the basics... BUT, it did help me to make the switch. I'm more confident now working with Custom Classes. I'm totally going to read it again from the start to interiorize the patterns (hopefully haha).
  2. @nurkka try amazon lightsail with your favorite Linux flavor (they gave you 3 months free for you to play) and install Webmin for server administration. It is an easy and cheap way to live under amazon infrastructure. Or the same but with Heztner with a cpx31 or cpx41.
  3. @Ivan GretskyI used to do Cowboy Coding (just learn the term! Love it) all the time, using Cloud9, so I only needed my browser to code. Then I switched to VsCode and remote development, but extensions started eating up my small server instance's memory (The default @builtin TypeScript extension is a RAM monster! and I wasn't even using it!). I spend half my time monitoring server-side extensions... until I finally made the switch to DDEV. That's definitely in my next-to-try list @bernhard
  4. I have no idea but in that case I would start by: 1. Activating debug mode. 2. If you have TracyDebugger go to ProcessWire info Pannel > Clear Session, Cookies, & Modules Refresh. If you don't, install it 😉 3. Just for the sake of it Clear all your caches 4. Log what's happening when the page is saved: Put this in your ready.php $this->addHookBefore('Pages::save', function (HookEvent $event) { $page = $event->arguments(0); bd("Attempting to save: {$page->title}"); }); $this->addHookAfter('Pages::save', function (HookEvent $event) { $page = $event->arguments(0); bd("Saved: $page->title"); }); $this->addHookBefore('Pages::saved', function (HookEvent $event) { $page = $event->arguments(0); $changes = $event->arguments(1); bd($changes, "Changes on $page->title"); }); Check the Dumps:
  5. PW running on DDEV local containers for deploying and then a shell script (or sometimes duplicator) to publish to a live server.
  6. @bernhard I was aware of RockForms' existence but just by name, but never took the time to read more about it. I just finished reading the docs, and man, that module is a beast! hats off!
  7. When you’re feeling lost and already halfway to uncharted waters, there’s only one man to call: The Captain Hook.
  8. Congrats @DrewPH!! Now you will need to ask your clients to update the feedback comments so people can know you are one of the best wordpress ProcessWire developers in Malta.
  9. Playing with the new toy! 🚀👕 Screen recording 2024-10-29 15.50.20.webm
  10. wire()->addHookBefore("InputfieldFile::renderItem", function(HookEvent $event) { $pagefile = $event->argumentsByName('pagefile'); if ($pagefile->field->name === 'yourFileField') { $pagefile->description = 'Communiqué de presse'; $pagefile->page->save($pagefile->field->name); } }); Try this @TomPich.
  11. I'm reading Head First Design Patterns, because a recommendation of @da² in this beautiful post.
  12. I spent the last two days going back and forth between FieldtypeRepeater and FieldtypeCombo for some fields, but FieldsetPage was exactly what I was looking for! I wish I had discovered it earlier 🤦‍♂️ Thanks @bernhard!
  13. $wire->addHookBefore('Inputfield::render', function (HookEvent $event) { $inputfield = $event->object; // Proceed only for 'yourField' if ($inputfield->name !== 'yourField') { return; } // Get the associated page if (!($page = $inputfield->hasPage)) { return; } // Check if the page is part of the yourPageArrayField on page with id 1 // (or whatever the ID of the page with your pageArraField is) $productPages = pages()->get(1)->yourPageArrayField; if ($productPages->has($page)) { $inputfield->attr(['checked' => 'checked', 'value' => 1]); } });
  14. Thanks and nice to meet you both @gebeer and @bernhard! RockCommerce looks so promising, it really feels like the procceswire way to do e-commerce.
  15. $image = $gallery_page->images->first()->size(540, 404, [ "cropping" => ['50%', '35%'], "quality" => 80, "focus" => false ])->webp->url; Maybe it is auto detecting a focus presset. Try disabling it.
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