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  1. Now it works, the page was unpublished. ? Thanks.
  2. yes. action="<?=$pages->get('/b/')->url;?>"
  3. Here what i mean: // page "/a" template a.php... <form method="POST" action="<?=$pages->get('/submitmail/')->url;?>" id="contactMessage"> <h4>Form....</h4> <input name="name" placeholder="Name" type="text" required> <textarea name="comments" placeholder="Comment" rows="5" required></textarea><br> <button type="submit" id="btnSend">Send</button> </form> <script> $(document).on('submit', '#contactMessage', function(ev) { ev.preventDefault(); let form = $(this); let formData = form.serializeArray(); $('#btnSend').prop('disabled', true); $('#btnSend').html('<i class="fa fa-spinner fa-spin"></i>please wait...wathever..'); $.ajax({ method: form.attr('method'), url: form.attr('action'), data: formData }).done(function( msg ) { alert("it works..."); document.querySelector('#contactMessage').reset(); }).fail(function() { alert("Error!"); }).always(function() { $('#btnSend').prop('disabled', false); $('#btnSend').html('Send'); }); }); </script> // page "/b" template b.php... <?php if ($config->ajax) { $name = $_POST['name']; $comments = $_POST['comments']; // do anything with received data.... }
  4. When i send from page "/a" an ajax post request to page "/b" than it recive it on the chrome browser. On firefox, edge, or other mobile browsers it doesn't work. It return an 404 message. Page "/b" is a simple page with a template "b" which doesn't have any fields. What's wrong? Can a page reached only by get request? I want to process received data in an empty template. But this sould be called by ajax post request.
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