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Everything posted by Luis

  1. Hey Marc, could you please provide a screenshot comparing this behavior on both, piwik dash and PWpiwik. Thank you in advance
  2. Liebes @ntvde Team. Warum lügt eure iOS App? Von wegen Nachrichten werden geladen bei Werbeung... nennt das Kind doch beim Namen: "Anzeige"

  3. Mhhhhh this calendar is only able to visualize a textlink. I don't know if the JaveScript is flexible enough to suit your needs on this. I will take a look the next days, ok?
  4. Hey Pitbull, my files won´t help you on this issue. The calendar picture I´ve posted above shows the integration in one of my apps. It generates his entries from various pages, so posting the code will even more confuse you. Let´s try to find a solution for your problem. On the very first, delete all calendar related code from your template. Now, include the appropriate css files and jquery in your head.inc. Put the HTML code inside your calendar.php and throw the getEvens() function under the html. After finishing this step, put the JavaScript function under the php part, within the calendar.php.
  5. open your foot.inc and compare line 91 with the posted javaScript in my tutorial. (hint: it has to do with getEvents() )
  6. Please read carefully trough the tut. The JavaScript to call the Calendar has to be placed under the getEvents() function.
  7. did you include the javascript in your foot.inc ?
  8. Sorry Pitbull, wrote the snippet on my Phone. The snippet I posted has to be placed inside the getEvents() function. So change your code to this and send me feedback if its working: function getEvents(){ $days = wire('pages')->get("/calendar/")->children("sort=title"); foreach ($days as $day) { echo "'$day->title' : '"; echo "<span><p>"; $events = $day->children("sort=created"); foreach ($events as $event) { echo $event->title.' '; } echo "</p></span>"; echo "', \n"; } }
  9. @Pitbull: could you please try this snippet: foreach ($days as $day) { echo "'$day->title' : '"; echo "<span><p>"; $events = $day->children("sort=created"); foreach ($events as $event) { echo $event->title' '; } echo "</p></span>"; echo "', \n"; }
  10. Use the force young padawan http://t.co/fOHDSNm2Ri

  11. My quick answer for scaling: http://processwire.com/talk/topic/3358-managing-large-sets-of-pages/#entry33156
  12. TB let you customize your package easily via checkboxes. No need of styled buttons? No deal, just drop them and so on
  13. pushed a new version. Problem should be fixed
  14. Marty, this could easily be done with PW API. If you need help just hit me a line.
  15. strange, for understanding, your use case: User is in a PW environment and clicks on a link which sets a get variable to logout=1. After logging the user out you want to perform an redirect to the login page. So, you set up the following: template file with the logout button. <? if($input->logout) logout and redirect ?> <html><head>etc.. <a href="?logout=1"> Did I understood right?
  16. Do you perform the redirect before any html markup? Make sure that the logout handler is called before <html>
  17. Glückwunsch Dortmund #bvbmad

  18. In which System do you want to perform the logout? Pw or Wp?
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