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Everything posted by aComAdi

  1. Hi, Have been working with ProcessWire for a few months now, successfully implementing several sites. I am compiling data management into modules for our clients. Several sites are using those modules now. The modules are using RockMigrations to install fileds, templates and pages. Today, I installed a new site. And now I am tripping over an issue that I cannot explain. Content on pages is organized in 'rows'. The users can add row by using RepeaterMatrix...then completing the fields to add data to the row. One particular content row has image fields. When I upload the images to the fields, all works as expected. The images appear in the RepeaterMatrix and I do find the images in assets/files/xxxx. But the images are not displayed in the front-end (see attachment). As you can see in the attachment, the various text and textarea fields in the RepeaterMatrix item are displayed correctly. I have done the following: Compare field settings to the existing implementations: they are identical Compare the RepeateMatrix settings and permissions to existing implementations: they are identical Change field name. No change. Delete field and created manually (including once with different name). No change. If I dump the element with Tracey, I get the following output: If Max Number = 1 null If Max Number = 0 count => 0 page => "/processwire/repeaters/for-field-136/for-page-1/1574873590-62-1/" (60) field => "wk_inhalt_start_links_bild" (26) url => "/serverpath/site/assets/files/1046/" (30) path => "/serverpath/serverpath/serverpath/serverpath/site/assets/files/1046/" (56) items => array () I would venture that there is an issue regarding images on the shared server...but another content element on the site works just fine with images. Bit stumped right now. Especially considering that I made the same installation earlier today on a different server successfully. I would appreciate any ideas on where to investigate this issue.
  2. Thanks. (Can't get it to run with my Atom installation.) Because we are a team of eleven and only three of us are devs. The idea is, that we can prepare PW modules for our various client types based on our 20 years of exprience in this particlular industry. After selling, a non-dev PM can select the required modules, install them and essentially have a working site. Al that needs to be done at this point is some templating. Never mind. We'll work around it or write our own extension to RockMigrations. We will definitely extend this. Again: non-dev's invovled. They need to see on the modules page which version is currently installed without having to dig in the files. Thanks for your help. All we need to work out now is testing a FieldTypeRepeaterMatrix and we'r good to go.
  3. Hi Bernhard, I have migrated what we had so far to RockMigrations. I like the approach for the same reasons you do. I have three issues/questions. 1. FieldtypeOptions Does RockMigrations support this field type fully? Adding the field itself is obviously easy. I did not manage to pass the selectable options on to the field though. If it does support it, I would appreciate a code example. 2. Viewable Templates We intend to install viewable templates, either as shells containing functionality only or as full HTML layouts. As far as I can tell, RockMigrations does not support this. We started in our standalone module by providing the file in an asset folder of the module and copying it into the templates folder after creating the tempalte: if($t->id) { $src = __DIR__ . "/assets/WebKitModelleAuto.php"; $dest = $this->removeLastDir(__DIR__,2) . "/templates/webkitModelleAuto.php"; $copy = copy($src, $dest); return $t->id; } Obviously we can still do it this way if nothing like this is planned in future versions of RockMigrations 3. Module Version It's fully possible, that I did something wrong...but the module version numbers are not updating after migrations. Both these modules have been migrated successfully to versions 0.1.0. We created a shell module based on yours: https://github.com/BernhardBaumrock/RockMigrationsDemo/archive/master.zip If it is a 'bug' then it would be great to update it as this may be somewhat confusing to staff less familiar with migrations but tasked to upgrade modules (which will be the case in our situation). A luxury update would be, if the RockModuleCreator would also let the user set the summary of the module. But...luxury. Anyway, I hope you don't feel that I am trashing your work. I think it's great. It's just situations I came across during evaluation. Some might be my own inexperience with ProcessWire syntax. It's a great module.
  4. Hi, We are currently developing several modules for our client base which will help us scale production of sites with Processwire. All is going well so far with great information around. But now we came across an issue, which we are stuck with. One modules installs several fields (successfully), which we want to organize into Fieldset Tabs. And that's where we're currently stuck. Despite trying our own methods and searching in existing modules for references. Here the field creation code during the module install: public static $fieldsArray = array( 'strasse' => array('name'=>'WebKitEinstellungenStrasse', 'type'=>'FieldtypeText', 'label'=>'Strasse', 'columnwidth'=>50,'collapsed'=>0), 'plz' => array('name'=>'WebKitEinstellungenPLZ', 'type'=>'FieldtypeText', 'label'=>'Postleitzahl', 'columnwidth'=>15,'collapsed'=>0), 'ort' => array('name'=>'WebKitEinstellungenOrt', 'type'=>'FieldtypeText', 'label'=>'Ort', 'columnwidth'=>35,'collapsed'=>0), 'tel1' => array('name'=>'WebKitEinstellungenTelefonnummer1', 'type'=>'FieldtypeText', 'label'=>'Telefonnummer', 'columnwidth'=>50,'collapsed'=>0), 'tel2' => array('name'=>'WebKitEinstellungenTelefonnummer2', 'type'=>'FieldtypeText', 'label'=>'Telefonnummer 2', 'columnwidth'=>50,'collapsed'=>0), 'email1' => array('name'=>'WebKitEinstellungenEmail1', 'type'=>'FieldtypeText', 'label'=>'E-Mailadresse', 'columnwidth'=>50,'collapsed'=>0), 'email2' => array('name'=>'WebKitEinstellungenEmail2', 'type'=>'FieldtypeText', 'label'=>'E-Mailadresse 2', 'columnwidth'=>50,'collapsed'=>0), 'garagenid' => array('name'=>'WebKitEinstellungenGaragenId', 'type'=>'FieldtypeText', 'label'=>'a-Commerce Nummer', 'columnwidth'=>50,'collapsed'=>0,'description'=>'Benötigt für Fahrzeugmodule. Nur unter Anweisung löschen oder ändern.'), 'fb' => array('name'=>'WebKitEinstellungenFacebook', 'type'=>'FieldtypeText', 'label'=>'Facebook Page URL', 'columnwidth'=>50,'collapsed'=>0), 'insta' => array('name'=>'WebKitEinstellungenInstagram', 'type'=>'FieldtypeText', 'label'=>'Instagramm URL', 'columnwidth'=>50,'collapsed'=>0), 'yt' => array('name'=>'WebKitEinstellungenYouTube', 'type'=>'FieldtypeText', 'label'=>'YouTube URL', 'columnwidth'=>50,'collapsed'=>0), 'footertext' => array('name'=>'WebKitEinstellungenFooterText', 'type'=>'FieldtypeTextarea', 'label'=>'Footer Text', 'columnwidth'=>50,'collapsed'=>0), 'bildertabopen' => array('name'=>'WebKitEinstellungenBilderTabOpen', 'type'=>'FieldtypeFieldsetTabOpen', 'label'=>'Standardbilder','collapsed'=>0,'modal'=>''), 'bilderheader' => array('name'=>'WebKitEinstellungenStandardbilderHeader', 'type'=>'FieldtypeImage', 'label'=>'Standardbild Page Header', 'columnwidth'=>50,'collapsed'=>0,'description'=>'Verwendet, falls bei einer Seite kein spezifisches Kopfbild definiert wird.','entityencodedesc'=>1,'extensions'=>'gif jpg jpeg png','adminThumbs'=>1), 'bildernews' => array('name'=>'WebKitEinstellungenStandardbilderNews', 'type'=>'FieldtypeImage', 'label'=>'Standardbild Neuigkeit', 'columnwidth'=>50,'collapsed'=>0,'description'=>'Verwendet, falls bei einem Newseintrag kein spezifisches Kopfbild definiert wird.','entityencodedesc'=>1,'extensions'=>'gif jpg jpeg png','adminThumbs'=>1), 'bilderfzg' => array('name'=>'WebKitEinstellungenStandardbilderFahrzeuge', 'type'=>'FieldtypeImage', 'label'=>'Standardbild Fahrzeug', 'columnwidth'=>50,'collapsed'=>0,'description'=>'Verwendet, falls ein Fahrzeug kein Bild hat.','entityencodedesc'=>1,'extensions'=>'gif jpg jpeg png','adminThumbs'=>1), 'bildertabclose' => array('name'=>'WebKitEinstellungenBilderTabClose', 'type'=>'FieldtypeFieldsetClose', 'label'=>'Standardbilder Tab Geschlossen','collapsed'=>0,'modal'=>''), 'googlega' => array('name'=>'WebKitEinstellungenGoogleGA', 'type'=>'FieldtypeText', 'label'=>'Google Analytics Konto', 'columnwidth'=>50,'collapsed'=>0,'description'=>'Beispiel: UA-123456-78'), 'googlemaps' => array('name'=>'WebKitEinstellungenGoogleMaps', 'type'=>'FieldtypeTextarea', 'label'=>'Google Maps Code', 'columnwidth'=>50,'collapsed'=>0), ); private function installFields($templateId){ // Get Fieldgroup $t = $this->wire('templates')->get($templateId); $fg = $this->wire('fieldgroups')->get($t->fieldgroup); // Felder hinzufügen foreach(static::$fieldsArray as $feld) { if(!$this->fields->get($feld['name'])){ $f = new Field(); $f->type = $this->modules->get($feld['type']); $f->name = $feld['name']; $f->label = $feld['label']; if (isset($feld['columnwidth'])) $f->columnwidth = $feld['columnwidth']; $f->collapsed = $feld['collapsed']; if (isset($feld['description'])) $f->description = $feld['description']; if (isset($feld['extensions'])) $f->extensions = $feld['extensions']; if (isset($feld['adminThumbs'])) $f->adminThumbs = $feld['adminThumbs']; if (isset($feld['modal'])) $f->modal = $feld['modal']; $f->save(); // // Feld zur Feldgruppe hinzufügen $fg->add($f); } } // Feldgruppe speichern $fg->save(); return $fg; This adds the tab 'WebKitEinstellungenBilderTabOpen' which is also visible in the template and page. The fields within the open and close tab fields are missing in the basic tab and nothing happens on click on WebKitEinstellungenBilderTabOpen. Using the Field Exporter we realized that the openFieldID, closeFieldID values were missing. So, after not finding direct references, we did some, uhm, creative workaround by looping through a field tab definition array public static $tabsArray = array( 'bildertabopen' => array('name'=>'WebKitEinstellungenBilderTabOpen', 'type'=>'FieldtypeFieldsetTabOpen','tabref'=>'WebKitEinstellungenBilderTabClose'), 'bildertabclose' => array('name'=>'WebKitEinstellungenBilderTabClose','type'=>'FieldtypeFieldsetClose','tabref'=>'WebKitEinstellungenBilderTabOpen'), ); // Tabgruppen zuweisen foreach(static::$tabsArray as $feld) { // Feld in Processwire beziehen if($tab = $this->fields->get($feld['name'])){ // Referenz Tab laden if($tabref = $this->fields->get($feld['tabref'])){ // Referenz schreiben if($feld['type'] == 'FieldtypeFieldsetTabOpen') { $tab->closeFieldID = $tabref->id; $tab->save(); } else { $tab->openFieldID = $tabref->id; $tab->save(); } } } } This works as far as the setting of the openFieldID, closeFieldId is concerned: { "WebKitEinstellungenBilderTabOpen": { "id": 521, "type": "FieldtypeFieldsetTabOpen", "flags": 0, "name": "WebKitEinstellungenBilderTabOpen", "label": "Standardbilder", "closeFieldID": 525, "modal": "", "collapsed": 0 } } { "WebKitEinstellungenBilderTabClose": { "id": 525, "type": "FieldtypeFieldsetClose", "flags": 0, "name": "WebKitEinstellungenBilderTabClose", "label": "Standardbilder Tab Geschlossen", "openFieldID": 521 } } But in the Admin, the field are still not grouped into the tab. Now we're stuck and hope someone can help us. Here some screenshots:
  5. ech. Not feeling stupid at all. I checked InputFields settings, yet not the FieldType settings. Thanks for taking the time to help me out of noob mode.
  6. Hi, I did some research, but did not come across this issue. It seems, that in my installation of ProcessWire, some default fields types are missing from the selection when creating new fields. (Image attached). Types like multi-select, radio button, etc. do not appear. I dug around, but did not see anywhere, where I would have to assign permissions for those standard fields. Also, I am using the superuser account anyway. Some information about the installation: PW 3.0.123 Language: Installed the German Language Pack as the default language Installed ProFields: Repeater Matric Inputfield Installed File field for FormBuilder Does anybody have an idea why these FieldTypes are missing?
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