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Everything posted by cstevensjr

  1. @Joss, I have enjoyed myself today working with your Foundation 5 profile. I have learned some new things and now I have been exposed to better ways of creating my websites. Thanks. The link to ProcessWire in the footer.inc file has a slight error. "htp://www.processwire.com" should be "http://www.processwire.com".
  2. I lived in Thetford and really enjoyed my time living in the UK. A great country and people.
  3. Very nice website. It brought back good memories of living in East Anglia for 4 years.
  4. I just wanted to take the time to personally thank you for adding the notification feature. It works brilliantly.
  5. Mine also. I was living in England at the time. Good memories
  6. From my extremely limited knowledge of ProcessWire, I believe you must always have the associated physical file (templatefile) in the /templates/ directory to echo anything.
  7. First, Welcome to ProcessWire! Hopefully that works for you. Ryan's Blog profile has taught me a lot about ProcessWire.
  8. You can go to Settings on the page you are editing and there is a "Created by User" field that you can change to the user you want to be the author.
  9. @ Joss, Thanks once again for being overly generous and providing another front-end framework profile. You, Ryan, Soma and many others have aided greatly in my understanding of front-end profiles, PHP in general and overall good practices for web development.
  10. It would be really interesting to know conceptually how the inventory and web services work.
  11. @Adrian and @Ryan - Thanks, your code came in handy for a project I'm currently working on.
  12. Ryan, you are a one-of-a-kind super talented coder and a master website builder/developer. An unbelievable website.
  13. Hopefully you really mean that you replace the /wire/ directory and not actually overwrite it.
  14. A very rewarding and engaging website. It also looks good on mobile.
  15. If you're serious about using Piwik, I would strongly suggest reading two books on Piwik; Piwik Web Analytics Essentials by Stephan Miller (Oct 5, 2012) and Piwik Mastery: Complete Guide to Piwik: Part of the Computer Mastery Series by Jon A Griffin Jr (Feb 1, 2012) I got them both from Amazon.
  16. Piwik is a tool that affords you the opportunity to own your analytical data. When you use Piwik, you are not sharing this information with anyone else. That, in itself, makes it preferable to using Google Analytics. The Piwik code has improved over the years and provides a great platform for tracking website visits. I've used Piwik since 2008 and have never had any problems with it. I run it on a dedicated server, however it can easily be run even on a shared hosting package. I would suggest that you have a SSL certificate for your Piwik website, to protect your analytical data from prying eyes. Piwik Code I typically use two entries per website (one for Javascript and one for noscript instances). Gettng the code to work in ProcessWire is very easy. I use the following code on every website that I monitor: <!-- Piwik --> <script type="text/javascript"> var _paq = _paq || []; _paq.push(["trackPageView"]); _paq.push(["enableLinkTracking"]); (function() { var u=(("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https" : "http") + "://www.yourpiwikinstall.com/piwik/"; _paq.push(["setTrackerUrl", u+"piwik.php"]); _paq.push(["setSiteId", "27"]); var d=document, g=d.createElement("script"), s=d.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; g.type="text/javascript"; g.defer=true; g.async=true; g.src=u+"piwik.js"; s.parentNode.insertBefore(g,s); })(); </script> <!-- End Piwik Code --> <!-- Piwik Image Tracker --> <noscript> <img src="https://www.yourpiwikinstall.com/piwik/piwik.php?idsite=43&rec=1" style="border:0" alt="" /> </noscript> <!-- End Piwik --> This covers the Javascript and non-Javascript (noscript) entries in the Piwik database. In this example, the Javascript entry has an Piwik ID of 27. The noscript entry has a Piwik ID of 43. The code goes at the end in the body section right before the </body> closing tag. I put the code normally in a main.inc, main.php or _main.php file
  17. When you upgrade Processwire the /wire directory get replaced. The /site directory (where templates are stored) is never touched.
  18. This is a very nice website.
  19. For me, knowing the OS, Browser, IP address and other typical client-side information makes troubleshooting issues with my clients a whole lot easier. I myself currently don't use any Microsoft Windows products, however I am a long time MCSE and routinely provide support for that platform. Each MS Windows version has it's unique qualities and feature set. For me, knowing what the OS is, gives me a leg up on fixing whatever is wrong. It's really the first thing I ask any client when doing technical support. BTW, the Process Login History module is fantastic and very useful. Thanks for making it available. - Charles
  20. I believe you need to replace not overwrite the /wire directory
  21. Interesting, you give your opinion and everything is alright. I give my opinion and now it's a "heated debate". There is nothing heated or adversarial in my remarks. As far as I remember, the GPL doesn't stop you from being as creative as you need. From my perspective, nothing is actually stopping you from using this great piece of work. I wish you all the best using ProcessWire, as it doesn't limit anything you want to do (via software) to create any website or application. It's only my opinion, but removing Ryan Cramer's name seems to me to be what they call a Red Herring. Good day.
  22. Hello Dazzyweb, Welcome to ProcessWire. I've dealt with clients and Ryan Cramer's name has never been a problem. From the beginning of any client engagement, I have gladly explained to them what ProcessWire is, who are the major contributers behind the software are and most importantly, the technical rationale for using ProcessWire over whatever else. Personally, I admire and respect that the software is labelled as it is. Developers of Open Source software need to be adequately credited for their hard work and charitable contributions. I don't believe that others should be able to just use the code or snippets of code without properly attributing where the source came from. The creator of the product has the right to determine how their own creation works or is used/shared. Furthermore, the branding and copyright doesn't stop the proper functioning of the software. Can you please elaborate on what you read in the forum that somehow restricts you from customizing the software freely?
  23. It's always interesting when someone wants to put one Open Source project against another. First, we should be supporting, where possible, any Open Source project, especially PHP based ones. I honestly believe time is better spent with actual Case Studies and other technical documents that show the benefit of using ProcessWire over those systems and others.. I've used Joomla, Drupal and Wiordpress in the past. The botom line is that each and every project has it's inherent weaknesses and plusses. Some more than others. That's my two cents on this issue. Good Day.
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