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Everything posted by cstevensjr

  1. Can you provide some screenshots of your template settings? Thanks
  2. If this is a new sub-domain, maybe the DNS information has not propagated properly (i.e. it can't yet been seen). Try refreshing your domain's DNS information, if you are able to.
  3. Welcome to the ProcessWire Forum! Please provide as much information, as possible, about the problem you are having (to include any code).
  4. First make sure you are using at least PHP 5.3.8
  5. Go to the "More Reply Options" button (which is to the right of the Post button)
  6. Taking a quick look at your environment and totally unrelated to your current issue, I would suggest you find time to upgrade your OpenSSL
  7. Please look here for possible answer: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3579072/php-fileinfo-is-undefined-function
  8. The PW minimum for 2.5.x is 5.3.8
  9. Do you think you can expand a little bit on the version numbers? Is it PW 2.5.3 or 2.5.23 or 2.5.26? Same thing with the PHP version. Thanks
  10. Very nice website, I enjoyed looking at all the artwork. What really caught my eye was "Occupation Dreamer - Arnold Schwarzenegger 2" which actually showed the Jazz great Miles Davis. Nevertheless, the website is a piece of artwork itself. Great job!
  11. Hopefully someone with more coding skills will comment on your code. Thanks for clarifying on security.
  12. I don't really know what your definition or concept of secure is, however I always ensure that any website that deals with important, privileged, proprietary or privacy information has some type of professional SSL Certificate attached to it. // or if not set, we'll just email the default superuser if(empty($emailTo)) $emailTo = $users->get($config->superUserPageID)->email; I'm not a expert on code, however if you are receiving 2 messages, then this code (syntax) may not be working correctly or as you expected.
  13. You may want to eventually replace any Repeater solution you may have with a Page Table.
  14. In your /site/config.php file on the testing2.mywebsite.com domain you should make sure you have changed $config->httpHosts = array('testing.mywebsite.com'); to $config->httpHosts = array('testing2.mywebsite.com');
  15. I opened a Github issue regarding the PageEditFieldPermission Module, as per @Soma suggestion.
  16. I just opened an issue on this module. It is very useful in a variety of circumstances.
  17. Could you please list your actual version numbers (PW, PHP, MySql, Apache)? Thanks
  18. cstevensjr

    Plana Press

    You got mucho talent.
  19. There is no safe or secure software application. The only thing you can do is use good coding techniques, apply time tested security practices and have a great understanding of whatever you are doing. Proofing your work for errors and have a bit of luck helps also.
  20. FYI, I routinely use Piwik for my web analytics on all my websites and any client's properties that I maintain. I can usually correlate the errors you are referring about to guest activity (i.e. unknown individuals or bots). If it's related to my own activity, I can look at the page affected (Piwik gives me this information) and then troubleshoot what PW template is associated with the problem (page). I'm quite sure there are other ways of tracking down this information, however that has worked for me. What I'm glad about is that PW gives up the error for me to troubleshoot.
  21. One thing to keep in mind, I believe there can be some differences (where sorting is involved) between MariaDB and MySQL.
  22. Thanks for clarifying. So your local development environment is a Windows based WAMP setup, correct? What versions of PW, PHP, MySQL and Windows? What OS, to include version numbers are on your online hosting solution?
  23. You may want to take a look at Philipp Reiner's "First Steps" video that goes through the process of working with a HTML template for use with PW. The main part for the HTML template stuff starts around the 14:44 period. I would suggest you look at the entire video and other PW related video content on the ProcessWire website.
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