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Everything posted by cstevensjr

  1. That was ProcessWire 2.5.10 mentioned in that post. We are now at ProcessWire 2.6.1 Make sure you are running PHP version 5.3.8 or higher. Also make sure that all of your modules are compatible with the ProcessWire version.
  2. You stated you received the following error: I gave a link that talks about possibly using the wire() function when you call the ProcessWire API. I'm sorry if I didn't elaborate, as connecting to the ProcessWire Forum today is taking awhile (at least for me) for pages to display. I can also admit that my understanding of the error and it's relation to how to call the ProcessWire API within a function may not be 100 percent correct. If I'm wrong, then finding out the correct answer to why the error is still there will be a great learning experience for myself and hopefully others.
  3. A quick look at the litespeed documentation on their website gives you your answer: http://www.litespeedtech.com/products/litespeed-web-server/overview http://www.litespeedtech.com/products/litespeed-web-server/features/feature-explanations#scripting_languages
  4. https://processwire.com/talk/topic/10235-accessing-pw-api-within-a-function-newbie-question/
  5. Sorry you are having problems. Can you please give us some basic specific information about your setup and what you are trying to achieve? Then someone can adequately help you resolve your issues.
  6. Importing the images all at once is probably technically possible, however it definitely depends on image size on what is feasible. You could easily create an image field for the posts (as @Sephoroth alluded to) or incorporate any third-party Gallery, Slideshow or Lightbox. It's also your choice if it's a HTML, CSS or jQuery script that you incorporate. With the openness of this CMS/CMF, You actually have a variety of different ways to achieve a "Featured Image(s)" display within ProcessWire.
  7. I may be wrong but the only time I have seen that error was when I uploaded an image to a file field versus an image field. Then when I tried to use the image in the body (CKEditor), I would get a message like that.
  8. For the YouTube videos you may want to look at the following modules: http://modules.processwire.com/modules/textformatter-video-embed/ http://modules.processwire.com/modules/process-get-video-thumbs/
  9. If you have a Template but no associated template file Copy basic-page.php or home.php from your /site/templates directory to your computer Rename the copied file to news.php Copy news.php to your /site/templates directory.
  10. Great that you got it working, however you need to upgrade your PHP from 5.2.x at your earliest convenience. That version has been depreciated for quite some time.
  11. You should still be able to SSH or FTP to the files. From what I have heard, every version of ProcessWire should be rock solid in regards to vulnerabilities. However, we don't have a good sense of what your hosting environment consists of. What PHP and MySQL versions are you running currently?
  12. Troubleshooting your issue is not impossible, however you should know that you first need to seriously think about making some changes to your website configuration. The requirements for Processwire 2.0 are: REQUIREMENTS --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. A web server running Apache. 2. PHP version 5.2.4 or greater. 3. MySQL 5.0.15 or greater. 4. Apache must have mod_rewrite enabled. 5. Apache must support .htaccess files. I'm quite sure there still are individuals that can remember or still support that version. Hopefully they will chime in to help solve your present issue. Otherwise, There are very detailed instructions on how to upgrade Processwire (even from version 2.0) at: https://github.com/ryancramerdesign/ProcessWire Suggested places to start: 1. Ensure that you are running at least PHP 5.3.8 at a minimum. Note: The latest version of PHP available to your hosting platform would be preferable. 2. Follow the detailed instructions to bring ProcessWire up-to-date. The current official release or the previous release (2.5.x) is where you should be trying to get to. 3. If you still are having problems after upgrading, please come back here (letting us know what PHP, MySQL, and ProcessWire versions you are running) and we will be better able to assist you
  13. The default MAMP document root (at least for MAMP) is "C:\mamp\htdocs" unless you have changed it in the preferences. That is where your HTML/PHP and image files are stored. The MAMP Pro docs talk about being installed in /Applications/Mamp (how that actually works in Windows is not defined or detailed anywhere I could see). Unfortunately, the MAMP PRO documentation is very Mac specific and it does not talk much about the configuration differences on the Windows version. It's very hard to help you with this when the MAMP PRO docs aren't very helpful. You may also want to ensure that you are using the latest version (3.0.9 Release Candidate 1). You obviously have MAMP Pro working, so the next question would be where is your document root pointed to?
  14. You have the option of using the .htaccess file take care of the SSL redirection. Some related links that talk about this are: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/9782-htaccess-optional-redirect-to-https/ https://github.com/ryancramerdesign/ProcessWire/pull/1128 https://perishablepress.com/stupid-htaccess-tricks/#sec13
  15. Possibly check your .htaccess Rewrite Rule
  16. http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/platform/windows.html http://www.apachelounge.com/
  17. Sorry you are having problems. Here are a couple of weblinks that you should check out: http://windows.php.net/ http://php.iis.net/ http://php.net/manual/en/install.windows.php http://www.microsoft.com/web/platform/phponwindows.aspx https://processwire.com/talk/topic/268-processwire-on-windows72008-server-with-iis-webserver/ https://processwire.com/talk/topic/766-isapi-rewrite-3-on-iis/
  18. I don't believe there is a recommended version with the exception of the minimum version needed to run PW (5.3.8). I personally would suggest you run the most current (latest) PHP version available to you.
  19. With many other hosts you can create the database on-the-fly, hence that's why the capability to do that is now in PW. It varies from host to host. Dreamhost is very specific about having the database created first and for me that doesn't cause any problems. I'm quite sure there are ways around the requirement, even with Dreamhost, however I can't help you with that.
  20. How are you trying to use the ID in CKEditor? I ask because if it's related to linking an image I can help you out.
  21. Ok, I have been with Dreamhost for many years. On Dreamhost you must create the database first. Go to Toolbox (On the upper left side) of the Dreamhost Panel and click "MySql Databases". Once you have created your database, then you can go through the PW install. Welcome to the ProcessWIre forums!
  22. What is your PHP version? If your hosting environment can support it, you should seriously consider updating your ProcessWire version. The current stable version is 2.6.1 and it incorporates many outstanding new features/capabilities.
  23. Can you please post any code that you have. Then someone can look it over and help you out.
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