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Everything posted by cstevensjr

  1. It will be interesting to see how this can actually happen (I'm not saying that there isn't a way to circumvent access security). I have a few comments: From the image you provided, this is not what you are attempting. Unless you mean to go to another type of login page (other than the administrative login). You then state that your purpose is to redirect to whatever page was linked in the email. The fact that you have clicked "Yes" on the Access tab on the template means that you are detailing what the page security is going to be. Anything other than Guest will restrict access to the page (making it viewable), if you are not already logged into the site. To put it in another way, any page that has a template where the access tab has been activated will follow whatever permissions you have set in that tab. If you had left the Access tab set to "No", then the page would inherit access from it's parent page. You say that this is a membership site, so I would assume that access permissions are an integral part of the website's configuration. In this case, everything works as it should, your credentials are checked for the page you want to access (link to). If you have access, you go to the page. If you don't have access you either get a 404 page, goto the admin login page to login or go to another page (remember you then still need to have access to wherever you are being redirected to) that you have defined. The only way you can do what you want is to have ProcessWire simply ignore the setup security and take the email addressee directly to whatever page is set in the email.
  2. Does anyone know if there has been an Github issue created for this? If so, can you please reference in this post? If not, can you open an issue?
  3. I received an email from Mandrill today which talked about upcoming changes. Here is a link to their Blog entry http://blog.mailchimp.com/important-changes-to-mandrill/
  4. I've been reading this post since you put this out and have been constantly smiling each morning. You have made things very workable for the ProcessWire developer. Case in point (an example)
  5. Wednesday is my designated "Discovery Day" in my development lab, where I set aside time to properly look at third party modules. I just installed your implementation of the Tracy Debugger. Thank you for taking the time and effort to make this possible within ProcessWire. This is a great asset.
  6. This morning, I finally had time to install this module. I am blown away to it's usefulness and wish I had made time to look at this a whole lot earlier. Great work, @horst!
  7. What happens if you also update the .htaccess and index.php files, regardless of what it tells you?
  8. Thanks for providing additional information. Can you please provide any code, that you are using, so that forum members can possibly look at it? I believe this will help someone properly troubleshoot your problem.
  9. If you don't mind, could you please explain a little more in-depth about what you mean when you say "A user profile is based on Ryan’s Form Builder profile"? Thanks.
  10. https://github.com/ryancramerdesign/ProcessWire/tree/devns Downgrading to 2.7So long as you haven't modified your template or module files to add PW 3.x specific code to them (like a namespace), you can easily switch between ProcessWire 2.7 and 3.0 simply by swapping the /wire/ directory and /index.php file from the appropriate version. ProcessWire 3.x doesn't make changes to the database, so the database should be identical between 2.7 and 3.0.
  11. This may have nothing to do with your current issue, but you may want to do your sandbox tests and actual implementation using the HTTPS/TLS protocol. Some pertinent resources: https://devblog.paypal.com/upcoming-security-changes-notice/ https://developer.paypal.com/ https://developer.paypal.com/docs/classic/lifecycle/info-security-guidelines/ https://www.paypal-knowledge.com/infocenter/index?page=content&id=FAQ1913&expand=true&locale=en_US
  12. Did you also read the link (source) that was referenced in the documentation, I referred you to? https://processwire.com/talk/topic/2588-feature-request-page-id-attribute/?p=28758
  13. This information may help you https://processwire.com/api/fieldtypes/validation-fieldtypes-vs-inputfields/
  14. Here are some resources that may help you https://processwire.com/docs/tutorials/installation-moving-and-troubleshooting/page5 https://processwire.com/docs/tutorials/troubleshooting-guide/ https://processwire.com/talk/topic/3113-how-to-transfer-processwire-from-local-installation-to-online/
  15. I would take that your first reference was a typo and should have been port 8888 vice 888?
  16. Ok, the config setting is using the PHP date format. http://cheatsheet.processwire.com/system-configuration/date-and-time/config-timezone/ https://processwire.com/api/variables/config/ What versions of PHP and MySQL are you using?
  17. Thinking about it a little more, maybe the config setting is for MySQL. Need to investigate a little more.
  18. Are you sure this date is not coming from MySQL?
  19. In addition, when using https, make sure that your connection is using a strong protocol version and cipher suite. Reference: https://www.owasp.org/index.php/Transport_Layer_Protection_Cheat_Sheet
  20. Please review the following information https://github.com/ryancramerdesign/ProcessWire/tree/devns
  21. A very good article and great comments that follow.
  22. You may want to check out this post https://processwire.com/talk/topic/9953-import-pagesfiles-from-xml-files/
  23. I have updated 2 websites overnight from 3.0.5 to 3.0.6, with no problem. I just updated another 3.0.5 site to 3.0.6 successfully in the last 5 minutes. You may want to check that your ProcessWireUpgrade module has been updated to the latest version (0.0.6 I believe).
  24. Okay, I must really like ProcessWire. I registered with a throw-away account and voted.
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