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Everything posted by cstevensjr

  1. I will attempt to verify, however I am still at PW 3.0.20 (with an Automatic Page Name Format/PageTable issue reported in Github #1878)
  2. A personal thanks for providing this version.
  3. I ran across this problem after I updated to PW 3.0.21 last night. The Automatic Page Name Format stopped working on my PageTable, In PW 3.0.21 it would now ask for the Name of the page I reverted back to PW 3.0.20 and the Automatic Page Name Format works, as it should' If I revert back to PW 3.0.21, it stops working again. Github Issue opened on this problem https://github.com/ryancramerdesign/ProcessWire/issues/1878
  4. +1 working fine on 3.x. I use this on all my websites for a long time.
  5. With a normal file or image field it will not let you save an empty "Valid File Extensions". It would seem to be a great idea, however I believe it would open many ProcessWire websites up to being hacked due to the actions of unsavory actors if it is enabled from the start. It's a vulnerability that would be easily exploited if the developer has not taken prudent actions to sanitize the input (files/images). The majority of knowledgeable developers would be aware of the danger, but that's not always the case. Making it a configurable option that you would have to explicitly enable would be a way to make it possibly work.
  6. You already have the capability to add any extension to the file field. One option I utilize is to add the *.zip extension and then use that to enclose whatever files I want to add.
  7. Maybe I am looking at this the wrong way, however when I look at the image (screenshot) you posted, I say to myself "Ok, That shouldn't work" You have a post_max_size that is the exact same size (800M) as your upload_max_filesize setting. Even though the explanation below it explicitly states "Typically, should be larger than upload_max_filesize and smaller than memory_limit." It may not make a difference, but I would have at least set the upload_max_filesize to 750M. That would actually follow the PHP guidance in the notes on the panel. In other words, having something the same size is not the same as it being larger (at least where I come from). Also, if I am dealing with files that are that large (700M), I would be using SFTP or SSH to upload the files to the server. To me, those are gigantic files. You may have everything setup correctly, however the configuration of the server (Plesk/Web Host/Security Settings) may not allow you to post a file this large. You would need to consult with the hosting provider (if online)
  8. Here is what I see in Chrome and Firefox. As @ottogal says, it shows the error on the home page. Chrome (Main Page) Chrome (Any page other than Home) Firefox (Main Page - Note the Security Warning) Firefox (Main Page)
  9. Okay, please let us know what you have tried and maybe someone can help you resolve your issue. The forum members are eager to help, you just need to provide some detailed information about what it is that you want to achieve. You would be surprised how much can get done, when we all work together.
  10. If someone could open a new thread, then all ideas presented could be collected in one place. Once (or if) a module is created, then another thread would be open under the Modules/Plugins category. BTW, this is a good discussion.
  11. That looks like a Web Hosting setting (configuration) that you should get with your Web Hosting Provider to resolve.
  12. cstevensjr


    Very nice work!
  13. I can confirm that this is happening on PHP 7.0.6 and since at least 3.0.17
  14. The PW Upgrades module shows an upgrade for Tracy Debugger (from version 1.6.6 to 1.6.7) However once it goes through the upgrade process, the module still shows being at version 1.6.6.
  15. Website builders have their place and serve a purpose. They can be a quick fix and allow more people to have a presence on the web. I believe there is no need to fear them or worry that products like ProcessWire will be replaced by them. We could spend all day debating the merits of these products or just continue as we do making ProcessWire a better platform. I've been doing this since 1977 and have seen many things come and go. I honestly believe the webwork market will still continue to function long after these products have matured and 10 other new web building technologies have come along. This market changes everyday in ways that no one can adequately predict. I believe that change is always good, improving what needs to be improved and getting rid of what no longer works. Have a blessed Friday
  16. Maybe this Module can help you http://modules.processwire.com/modules/admin-restrict-branch/
  17. @chuguruk, you have one recent entry in the FrontEnd User thread: I would kindly suggest that you make another entry in that thread and let the developer know more about how that module is not working anymore.
  18. Went back to PHP 7.0.6 and did the upgrade to the newest ProcessEmailToPage version. I sent you a PM with the results.
  19. Update: Taking it down to 5.6.19 did the trick. It's working fine now.
  20. PHP 7 at this time. I will downgrade it to 5.6 and see what happens.
  21. Adrian/Pete, I am having a problem with this module on a newly fresh install of 3.0.17. The module installs alright However, whenever you click the settings button, this is what I get: Any help you can provide is greatly appreciated. It works on other installs (even ones that have upgraded to 3.x). I have been meaning to spend some additional time troubleshooting this issue but just haven't had the free time.
  22. Good Day. I can only speak for my experiences and I am not a talented coder, like many others on this forum. Yes, this is one of the many great and helpful features of Form Builder That I am not completely sure, however I believe it's possible. Someone with more experience will have to chime in. Form Builder is a module that saves you time, when it comes to doing forms. It's a well thought out form solution. Ryan has a solid money back guarantee on this product, so you shouldn't be wary about making a purchase. You also gain access to the Form Builder VIP Forum, where you will have access to a treasure trove of information about Form Builder and different implementations. The customization features of Form Builder are there to help you implement the solution you desire. It's very convenient and I believe a solid time saver. Good luck in making your choice.
  23. Can you please try that again to see if you continue to get this message?
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